4 Beginning

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I was so tired of running I didn't notice both Winter and Sara who were standing by the door were staring at me in horror, my physical health was being disgustingly shown, and sweat was running down my forehead like a shower sprinkled upon me.  I gave them a nervous smile and tried to tell them (which was a lie) " I- I lost track of time and c-came running- admin might have gotten I had to hide- it was scary. I finished explaining to them not even knowing anymore what was coming out of my mouth. I was panting from all that running, God I could have run a marathon and won!  before they could ask anything. I know my explanation was disordered, hopefully, they'll let it slide off. but I have to say it was scary I don't know if they know who I am or if they saw me entering my dorm. I was not safe anymore for sure. maybe this week I'll have to go home. 

without bothering to change my clothes I fell on my bed, and everything went black, I couldn't even say goodnight to my roommates. one: running for my life made me exhausted so bad- but who knew I would have to run more than just to reach my dorm?

I was in deep slumber, comfortable as if I was sleeping on feathers- for some reason tonight It felt better on my pillow, that run really did it for all my missed P.T. classes. Though unaware of the fact it wasn't a dream, even in my deep sleep, I could feel someone opening a door and entering our room. It was a tall figure. It came right toward my bed, and a glint of light hit my eyes. I almost opened my eyes, confused. As a hand slapped on my mouth preventing me from screaming. It only took a little sniff, and I was knocked out by the drug that was put on the cloth.  Was I the only one taken away?  are Sara and Winter alright?! That will be only answered once I wake up.


Frustration was taking over me I could snap both of their two delicate necks right now, but it would just add more to the problem, so I controlled myself.

"Forget it". I snapped at both of them. I have to take the matter into my own hands. 

"I will tell one of my people to track whoever was eavesdropping on us first then we'll find that girl." 

 They both looked at each other. Then nodded in unease and left.

I took out my phone from the hidden pocket of my coat and called Michele. He was the only one that at the moment I could trust with this situation, he is good with these things without leaving a single drop of blood.

Ring Ring Ring

"Michele, Yeah-yeah I know I disturbed you but listen to me. It's an important work for you. Since you are around the same city as me. I'm giving you this work- don't worry it's not too big, especially not for you."

"Huh, such a little task and you are giving it to me. fine, I'll find the girl and send one of my men to track whoever that other person was."

"Thank god you agreed, I wouldn't have bothered you but all my men our back in Lovixia. I came all alone, and the women of this school cannot do their job perfectly- I shouldn't have trusted them with it tsk."

"Fine, I get it..."

with that, Michele cut the call.

"It always feels like he gets exasperated by me." but it only made me smirk at the thought. what low tolerance he had for people as someone who's lived for so long.


I was thrown into the stash of bags. I groaned as my comfort was taken away from me, but the more conscious I got, the more anxiety started to kick in. My eyes opened, and I tried to speak, but my mouth was taped, and my hands were tied. 'They found me!' my brain starts to run in panic thoughts thinking about what will happen to me now. my mouth was taped, and I was rolling around in these gunny bags when I heard heavy footsteps coming toward me. My eyes snapped to where the steps were coming from then I realized I was in the basement of the school. I was still in School! Good, that's good. I still have little hope.

"So, you were the one who listened to our conversation." The man took a seat on a stool in front of me. I looked up at him and saw his handsome features- but that smile. That smile was ugly wicked, and his eyes filled with venom. "Tell me; how does it feel?" he looked down, crouching closer to my face. "The school 'selling' you students off." he finished.

I obviously couldn't reply due to the tape on my mouth, and he knew too.

"Oh wait, let me remove that for you, but you better not scream. But we already know no teacher will help and all the students are asleep- everyone knows in this School what happens except students trying to study to pursue their dreams or to just earn money. What a pity, half of them end up getting sold in the name of opportunity" his face was dead serious the whole time while speaking, but he had to end it with a lunatic laugh. 

"Oo! Don't get flabbergasted by this now! because what other secrets this school beholds is much uncomprehensive for you! too bad it's a top secret!" the man spoke in full madness. wide teeth displaying and his hair strands jerking from one side to the other as he wildly spoke, his whole body shaking as he tried to hold his laughter in it felt like his eyes would budge out. the scenario sent chills down my spine. 

I was practically shivering... what was this school? what nonsense was he spitting?!

the man halted and then he removed the tape, slowly I suppose trying to make it as less painful as possible. Though I thought my skin would be peeled off. 

"Good girl."

"You didn't scream... most girls do."

I stared at him. As much as he was good-looking. I was too piqued by him to even care. And he was way older than me by the looks anyway.

"What? I know sweety' how pretty I'm. People tend to stare." he said with a smug smile on his face.

As much as I was hating him, I was too scared. I didn't want to trigger him, but I had to do something.


"don't ask 'why' we both know why you are h-"

"How can you be so sure it was me?!"

He spoke 'narrowing' his eyes at me "Don't cut me off again. First and last warning, little girl. And the answer to your question is that my men smelled you off till they reached your dorm and found your little body sleeping so carelessly. It's funny even after knowing all this. you were able to sleep."

I felt embarrassed by his true statement. I slept a little more comfortably than I should have. I looked down, almost ashamed, but what did he mean by 'smelled' me? I looked back at him. Just to find him already, looking back at me as if he was waiting for the question.

"w-what do you mean by s-smelled me?"

He smirked at my question and answered calmly, "Cause. I'm. A. Vampire~."

I almost laughed at him, but then again. If he wasn't, how could you find someone by smelling? Was he playing around with me? 

I huffed at his words. Does he think I'll believe? And by my face, he knew I didn't believe him a tiny bit. 

"It's the truth," he said as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, and then I noticed he 'did have' pointy canines. But people can have that. It isn't enough to prove he is a vampire.

"Looks like you still don't believe me. But it's okay. you'll soon since you have gotten yourself thrown in this world." He got up and was ready to leave but not before putting the damn tape on my face. I tried to move around, but he warned me. "Move too much or try to escape, and I'll have to inject you to sleep, so be obedient, and you won't be hurt."

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