1 Introduction

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Soft music plays in the background while I set my hair and check for the last time in the mirror myself. It was our 11th-grade annual party.

"Eva! Come out already," Sara shouted tired of waiting for me. She was eager to go and enjoy the party with rest. since it was our annual day in school the only no-rule day when we're allowed to enjoy to the highest, and I wanted to look my best.

"Good news!" Winter's voice came from the outside startling me. I peeked out my head from the bathroom and saw her doing a little dance and shaking her hips.

Sara jumped in thrilled running toward us.

"What is it!" both Sara and I shouted.

In a dramatic pose, winter announced.
"We're...." after a stretched-out pause she continued, "going on a group date after the party!"

Both me and Sam gasped while winter screamed in excitement.
Since we study and live in a girl's university, we don't get so many chances with boys, but winter always found someone to go out with. This time we were going on a group date.

I have never gone out on a date...

While I stood at my spot lost in my thoughts about this "group date" winter and Sam was jumping and around in excitement.

"Wow... we will be going on a date" putting her hands on her cheeks to hide her blush, Sara smiled making fantasies in her head.

"And don't worry. I found us, handsome men's," said Winter winking at us.

Sara pulled my attention calling my name "Eva! it will be so fun we'll finally go on a date" amazed me how all giddy she was getting.

"ey" winter said pointing at me "looking at your face it doesn't look like you're excited about this" realizing I had been standing here non-expressional face, I quickly smiled fading all the anxiousness i had going in my head.

"Oh...it's not like that". I don't know how to suddenly go with this date.

I looked down nervous at the thought of the date. Sam walked toward me feeling my uneasiness. "Don't worry. it's just a group date and don't forget we still have a whole damn party left to attend"

"Yes! Let's party!" Winter shouted making a rock sign in the air and left to join other girls hooting and shouting outside in the hallways.

Sara grabbed my hand squeezing it a little trying to reassure me with a small smile. I smiled back of course, taking a deep breath and let out a sigh "let's go!" with all my excitement i could pure out i shouted Sara joined in hooting and we both ran outside joining the rest.


The whole university was taken over by party animals of all types of categories and of course, we were one of them. From the bottom to the second top floor dancing and many other activities were going on. Only one floor was free from all this craziness and it was the principal floor.

No one was allowed to go there unless called by the principal. Which happens from time to time with us without any reason... if you did something bad enough to catch the principal eyes she only gives you three chances if you lose all of them you're kicked out.

The whole day went partying but as the night approached students started to shut down stalls and other things only the dancing area was on till 12'Oclock.
But we had to go to a group date so we left early at 9:30.

But winter got pissed off since one of the guys ditched and was replaced by someone who was "not so handsome" for her.

But we made her stay for a while.

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