Chapter 39

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Davina gasped, looking around the room. Somehow, this man had gotten rid of the illusion. Looking around, she felt like throwing up. Everywhere she looked, there were large green tubes pressed back against the walls of the room.

Each tube had to be twice her size. There were nine, and all but two had an unconscious figure in them. Well... if you could call it a figure. They looked more like... beasts.

She glanced at the other man. Judging by his reaction, he knew exactly what those creatures are. Wasn't he working with Orochimaru? How come he looked so furious? Perhaps... he could be an ally?

Well... Davina murmured a jutsu under her breath, setting the vines around her on fire. They fell to the ground as ashes, the white-haired man glaring at her with suspicion.

Ignoring him, Davina walked past all the huge tubes to the only empty space on the wall. She took a deep breath. She could sense Sasuke from beyond the wall. Hopefully, he'll be able to wake up and make an analysis of what she had just seen.

With a deep breath, the woman concentrated her chakra in her foot. Davina kicked the wall down, rushing in right after to find Sasuke unconscious in what seemed to be a long, dark tunnel.

Davina immediately ran to his side, picking up his arm and swinging it over her shoulder. The man behind her seemed to tense as he recognized the man on the ground.

Shit, Davina cursed. She had forgotten how infamous Sasuke and Naruto were. Not to mention, this man was still associated with Orochimaru.

Shooting a glare at him, she finally broke the silence. "Listen, I don't care who you are, but you're going to let us go or I will make your life a living hell."

The man shook his head, looking almost repulsed. "My name is Log. Does your friend know what's going on here?"

Davina was taken aback for a moment. She grit her teeth. "I'm hoping he will help me piece something together."

Log nodded, stepping towards Sasuke. Davina stepped back almost instinctually. Log grimaced. "I'm not going to hurt him. Here." He took a vial out of his pocket. "The antidote to the poison."

Davina scoffed. As if she would trust him.

"I swear I'm not going to try and hurt you guys. I need some answers too."

Sensing that the woman wasn't going to budge, Log sighed. "Alright fine. Just take it, in case you change your mind."

"Log. Did you find her?" A voice called out from the hallway. Both Davina and Log flinched.

"No." He yelled back. "There's a hole in the wall here, I think she might've escaped."

"Pity. Alright come back, we need to help Nayo with the attack."

Log's gaze never left Davina's. "Listen," he whispered. "Just let me come with you and find some answers. Please?"

Davina didn't get the chance to respond. A buzzing noise in Sasukes pocket reminded her of why she was here. She hastily rummaged through the raven's clothing, pulling out a small camera and cell phone.

She gasped in relief. It was amazing how far technology had gotten these days. She quickly ran her chakra through the cell phone, feeling it make a connection with Naruto's. Thank god he had abnormal range, or they would've been done for.

"Naruto, Sasuke's been poisoned with Okari. Someone gave me what he claims is an antidote for it, but I suspect he works with Orochimaru."

She hesitated. "Also... I think there's something you need to see."

She could hear faint cursing on the other end of the line. "Dammit, I knew there was something wrong when the signal cut off. Fine. Just take some pictures of what you need me to see, and take Sasuke back."

"Bring the antidote too. And the man who gave you it, by force if necessary." Davina affirmed.

"Davina." She flinched. Naruto's voice came out in a low growl. "If anything happens to him, I will have your fucking soul. Do you understand?"


With that, the connection diminished, and Naruto's chakra was nowhere to be found. With a sigh, she glared at Log. "What the hell are you waiting for? I can't carry him by myself and take photos."

Log rushed over to take the man off her hands, and Davina began snapping photos with the camera she found, making sure not to leave a single detail of the room out.

"Alright. Let's go." Davina's eyes widened as she realized she forgot to let the Hokage know of the upcoming attack. "Fuck." She glared at the phone in her hand. At this range... there's no way her chakra would be able to reach his, even with the amplifier the phone came with.

She looped an arm around Sasuke, motioning to Log to hurry up. They had to get somewhere where they could get a signal and call Naruto. Fast.


Naruto cursed, banding his head on the table next to him. Everything was going to shit. Sasuke had been poisoned, Akio's condition was steadily deteriorating, and Davina was nowhere to be found.

A ringing next to him startled the man. He grabbed the phone, quickly answering it, careful to keep his chakra steady in Akio.


"What. Are you sure?"


Nauto hung up, yelling for Sakura. The woman came bursting in. "What's wrong? Is Akio ok?"

The blonde scowled. "She's fine, but we're not. Prepare all the abled nin. I just got information about an attack on Konoha. Their target is me, so protect the hospital. Let Gaara know just in case they decide to go for him as well."

Sakura nodded, rushing out of the room to let everyone know. Naruto dropped his head onto the bed in front of him. Dammit. He felt so useless. Everything was happening all at once, and he couldn't do anything to stop it.

Naruto grit his teeth. Wasn't he the Hokage? How could he be so fucking hopeless, unable to do anything but care for a child who has a curse he can't fix?

Damn, the shit really hit the fan. I wonder how this will turn out?

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