Chapter 26

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"Someone! Anyone! Please. Please help!" MItsuki startled, squeezing Akio's hand. A young man, well in his middle ages, was crying out for help. He stumbled, falling to the floor, and Mitsuki found himself rushing to his aid.

"Sir are you alright?" The man didnt seem to have registered his words, clutching at Mitsuki's robes. He met the boy's eyes with a desperate look. "Please get help- my granddaughter, shes fighting all by herself. Find a shinobi, anyone, please-"

Mitsuki immediately grasped the situation. "Alright please calm down sir. I'm not an official shinobi, but i can help. Where is she right now?"

The man's breathing quickened. "Over- over there, about a hundred meters into the forest." He grappled at Mitsuki's robes again, his breath coming out as wisps of fog in the cold air. "Please save her."

Mitsuki quickly got up, helping the older man to his feet. "Alright you go get some more experienced help. Ill try to help your granddaughter as much as I can until then."

The man nodded, muttering out sincere thanks and apologies. He quickly stumbled back into the village Mitsuki had stopped at, once again calling out for help.

The albino sighed. He turned towards Akio, kneeling down to meet her eyes. "You stay here ok? Mitsuki will be back soon." Akio nodded, biting her lip in worry as she watched him disappear into the forest.

Mitsuki scowled, running as fast as he could while staying alert for the girl's location. Where was she? Here? There?

ARGH! Mitsuki's eyes shot toward the source of the scream. That must be her. He quickened his pace, drawing out a couple of kunai he had hidden in his sleeves.

A rustling of movement distracted him for a split second, and the boy barely managed to get away when a body went hurling past him. The girl groaned on the ground before immediately jumping back onto her feet.

Mitsuki gave her a quick once over. She cant be more than 14. Her condition is stable, but shes lost some blood. Eyes flicked towards the proud forehead protector shining on her waist. A shinobi then. Likely trained. Good. He turned back towards the offender. That means she wont get in my way.

A dark figure emerged from the bushes, cackling. "Oh little girl~ come here. You cant run away from me." Mitsuki tensed, and as soon as the man was in sight he tackled. "Wha-" His sentence was interrupted with a grunt as Mitsuki tackled him to the floor.

He snarled, "Dammit- who-" Mitsuki wasn't listening. All senses seemed to dull as he recognized the face in front of him. The boy's mouth quivered. "Nayo Ji-san?" The figure froze, quickly sitting up.

"Mitsuki?" He asked incredulously. "What are you doing so far from home?" The boy opened his mouth to answer but quickly shut it. This man worked for his father. He couldn't trust him.

But... he glanced behind him at the girl who was analyzing the situation and, from the look on her face, categorized him to be an enemy. The boy scowled. There was really no knowing who you could trust nowadays.

Nayo tried to get up, but Mitsuki refused. He glared daggers at him, eyes shining a neon yellow when he summoned his snake. "Mitsu. Tie him up."

Nayo frowned. "Wha-"

Mitsuki noticed the girl behind him tense as Mitsu emerged from the ground. The boy sensed the snake's surprise at seeing Nayo, but he quickly got over it, using his body to render him incapable of movement.

Mitsuki got up, sighing at the girl behind him. "I'm not your enemy. Your father came screaming for help a while back and I offered it." The cold look in her eyes didn't budge.

Mitsuki almost flinched. She was so similar to Sakura-san, and the man who killed his parent. Were all 'shinobi' like this?

Nayo scowled. "Mitsuki what are you doing? Your parent won't be happy when he finds ou- hmmph mmph." Mitsu cut him off at Mitsuki's glare, stuffing the end of his tail in Nayo's mouth.

The boy scowled at the girl in front of him. "Believe me if you want. I don't care. You're fine and my job is done." He quickly turned to leave, only to be stopped in his tracks by a large, firm body.

A gruff voice spoke above him, and Mitsuki had to crane his head to see the face in front of him. "Looks like we came late. Appreciate the help kiddo, but we can't let you go just yet. You're coming with us for questioning."

Mitsuki glared. Like hell he was. He sighed, "Listen, sir, I was only passing by. I have places to be." The man laughed. "Sorry kid you don't have a choice."

Mitsuki muttered under his breath, annoyed. The man gave him an amused smile. "What was that."

Mitsuki jumped behind him, aiming a strike right at the man's vital pressure point. Not to his surprise, it was blocked seamlessly, the man wearing a face of slight surprise.

Mitsuki didn't let him catch up to the situation, immediately spinning around to land a kick on his head. The man dodged easily, hand coming up to grasp at thin air. But Mitsuki was already a meter away, watching him with an indecipherable look.

Just as I thought. He's a shinobi. Highly trained. Most likely jonin. He scowled. This fight was not going to be easy. But before it could escalate further, they were interrupted by an elderly man shouting.

"No, Fuyoku! The boy is telling the truth! He was merely passing by our village, and I asked him for help. He saved Anaya-chan!" The man- Fuyoku he called him- frowned. "Then he has no reason not to comply."

Mitsuki shot him a cold look. "If I had known I was going to be wasting my time with you I wouldn't have helped in the first place." Fuyoku frowned, the two men engaging in a heavy staredown.

Mitsuki scowled, turning away. "Fine. But only for a moment." He needed to make sure Akio was safe anyways. And with that he turned away, whistling for Mitsu to follow him with his brand new hostage.

Fuyoku frowned, watching him go. What a cocky bastard, he thought. But as the adrenaline wore off, the man felt a peculiar throbbing in his forearm where he had blocked the boy's strike.

He narrowed his eyes. This kid... he's interesting.

A little action for you guys~~~ Beware, for this story may be coming to an end soon ;^;

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