Chapter 2

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Boruto's face paled. "What?" Sarada narrowed her eyes at him. "Boruto seriously, what's going on? You've been acting weird all day. Dad told me you were trying to scrub some dye out of your hair?"

Boruto gulped at that. "That was, um, a misunderstanding on my part." Sarada rolled her eyes. She sat down criss-cross, allowing Inojin's new cat to crawl onto her lap. When she started to lazily pet the tabby, another voice spoke up.

Boruto whipped his head around at Inojin's cheerful voice. "You tried to wash the dye out of your hair? I thought you'd gotten rid of it all last time."

Sarada tsked. "He did. Which is why I don't understand him trying to scrub off his scalp." Boruto scowled at Inojin and Sarada- his sister now. "Oh shut up. I'm convinced you guys are conspiring against me.

From behind him, Shikadai muttered, "You have no idea how right you are." Boruto whipped his head around. "Wait seriously? Have you two been conspiring against me?"

Inojin and Sarada glanced at each other before bursting into laughter. The raven haired boy crossed his arms with a huff. Sarada grinned at him. "It's payback for when you conspired against us with Shikadai."

Boruto blanked. "Wait what?" Inojin shook his head. "Guys we gotta go. Moegi-sensei will have our heads if we're late for training again." Behind Boruto, Shikadai sighed, getting up and joining Inojin.

Their brunette teammate leaped away from her place next to Sarada, petting the cat one last time before leaving. Sarada got up as well, throwing the cat an apologetic glance when it let out a mewl of disapproval.

"Come on Boruto." She yanked on her brother's ear, a chuckling Himawari following behind.

When the trio arrived at their designated meeting spot, their sensei was already there, a worried look on his face. Upon sighting his students, the man's eyes narrowed. "Sit." He commanded his team.

Exchanging curious glances, the teammates complied, dropping down to the ground. Konohamaru warily looked at his students, eyes lingering on Himawari. With a sigh, he spoke. "Himawari, when was the last time you saw your father?"

The long haired girl blinked at the question. "A couple of days ago. Mom said he went on a mission to ease some tensions between the villages." The older brunette nodded.

"I'm not sure I should be the one to tell you this." Their sensei looked away from them with a grimace. "Himawari, your father is presumed to be dead."

Himawari paled, every drop of color gone from her face. "W- what?" She stood up abruptly, anger apparent in her eyes. "What the hell? How come? It was just a stupid B-rank mission!"

Konohamaru gave her a sad gaze. "Himawari..." She glared at him before turning around and running off. Sarada and Boruto could only stare in shock.

The raven twins snapped out of it when their sensei exhaled. Boruto jumped to his feet. "Wait, how do you know this? Did dad know?" The older man frowned.

"There was a message sent to Hinata-san. She told me to send for her daughter, and is likely talking to the Hokage right now." Sarada narrowed her eyes at him. "What did the message say?"

The brunette shook his head. "You'll have to ask your teammate later. For now, training is canceled. Go back to your family." Sarada shook her head, turning around to go back to the house.

Hesitantly, Boruto followed. With a groan, he dropped his head into his hands. How come as soon as he gets back things start to go wrong?


Sarada and Boruto carefully entered their house, the door creaking to announce their arrival. Sasuke was already there, waiting for their arrival. Upon seeing his children, he automatically activated his Sharingan.

Carefully, he said, "Sarada, go up to your room." Sarada's eyes widened at her fathers red eyes. "Tou-san, what-"

"Go. Now." He cut her off. Eyes worried, the girl complied, trudging off to her room. Boruto went to follow her, but he was stopped by a gloved hand gently grabbing his arm. "Boruto. We need to talk.

The boy gulped, but nodded. Sasuke squeezed his arm, before teleporting them both to the Hokage's office. Upon seeing Naruto sitting grimly in the office seat, Boruto was hit with just how serious this situation could be.

Standing next to the Hokages chair was Shikamaru- the Hokage's advisor. He nodded at Sasuke, who let go of Boruto's arm and walked away, standing himself next to the Nara. Boruto gulped.

"Dad? What's going on?" Naruto sighed at his son, eyes clouding with doubt. A worried gaze trained on the boy, he spoke. "Boruto, you didn't have anything to do with Kiba's disappearance right?"

Boruto's mouth dropped open. "Wha- Of course not! I just got here, how would I have done that? Not to mention Kiba-san is way stronger than me!"

The Hokage frowned, "That's the problem." Confused, Boruto furrowed his brow, crying out, "What is?"

"The fact that you just got here." Sasuke piped up. He narrowed his eyes at him. "Something's going on, Boruto. And it's largely centered around you."

"Wh-what? What are you talking about?"

Sasuke dipped his head with a frown, before returning to his son's gaze. "Do you remember when you appeared out of nowhere around 15 years ago?" Hesitantly, the boy nodded, sending Shikamaru an anxious gaze.

Noticing this, Naruto responded, "Don't worry about him. He already knows." Boruto gulped, and Sasuke took that as a sign to continue.

"Before you arrived, there were no threats whatsoever. The world was at peace after the war. But then all of a sudden people show up killing jinchurikis."

The boy's mouth dropped open. "You can't say that was because of me! That started a long time after I had arrived." The raven nodded. "That's what we thought too."

"However, Tsunade kept the whole situation from us for quite a while, waiting to the point where most all the other jinchuriki were killed off. As stated in the mission brief given to us on the Okari mission, Killer B was the first to go."

Boruto scowled, not following. "Ok and?" A sad look in his eyes, Naruto asked, "Do you know when Killer B was killed?" When Boruto shook his head, Sasuke finished, voice a low whisper.

"Boruto, the day Killer B was killed was the day Sakura found you and brought you to the hospital."

:0. Let that sink in. 

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