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“ I'm Not Heartless, I Just Use My Heart

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“ I'm Not Heartless, I Just Use My Heart... Less”

- Author

8th November 1992 - 5:00am

IT HAD BEEN DAYS since everyone was confined to their common rooms. People were starting to wonder if they'd ever get out. Infact people had been so overworked by this that no one had noticed how Astrea would slip in and out of the common room.

Truth be told, she was allowed to visit Luna, upon the condition that she was always accompanied by Snape. She was grateful for this, unlike other teachers and students , they found much to discuss.

Mainly, it was about Dumbledore's disappearance as none had seen him since the trial. Although it made sense as he lost his titles and wizengamot seats which were now Astreas, but were currently guarded by her guardian, Severus. On these small trips, He would occasionally smile, something that was kept secretive between them.

Astrea shivered as she touched Lunas cold skin. It had been a month and still no progress. No other students were harmed, thankfully, but she couldn't be so sure of the upcoming future.

Dark circles lay under the girls eyes, concealed by makeup and she couldn't remember the last time she had had a proper sleep. Nightmarish dreams plagued her mind and often she'd find herself covered in sweat. Her eyes felt tired, threatening to close and she begged them to stay open but her plea was left ignored as the lights started dimming, giving way to the solitary obsidian abyss — only this time, the nightmares didn't come in its place was something she dared call remarkable.

» «

Thunder and lightning tore the sky in two, the ground beneath meeting the same fate. Bodies, bruised and broken layed scattered above the cracked earth. So much blood had left their bodies that the earth was now matted with it. Everything was in ruins.

"Everte Venetrum! ", a girl shouted aiming for an unfamiliar man. The man tried aiming spells back, but it wouldn't work.

The girl laughed, it was a spine-chilling, blood-curdling Maniacal laugh that left Astrea wonder who exactly she was.

" Give up Albus! ", The voice cried out.
Albus Dumbledore....

So that's who the guy was. His one white hair and beard was now an obsidian black and was no longer long, he had cut it, probably to look unrecognisable.

" You'll never win this war! ", The girl said again," Many men have died, but they are all YOUR men, my people remain alive! ".

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