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“ I let them hurt me because I know I'll heal”

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“ I let them hurt me because I know I'll heal”


3rd November 1991 - 2:00pm

"OOH CANDY THAT WOULD LOOK AWESOME ON YOU ", Colette told her twin as they wandered around the boutique. Although the ball was a month away, they decided they'd shop early before all the good dresses were gone.

Colette had picked out a beautiful black satin dress that flowed round her yet was tight enough to show her figure. Whereas her twin had gone for a more colourful dress, it was again a flowy dress but was patterned with flowers – a beautiful summery vibe to juxtapose the upcoming bitter winter.

Astrea hadn't found a dress that she liked. Instead, she'd decided to make her own. She bought materials in all shades of blue and some white fabric which she'd sew later. She also bought a white corset to go with it.

They enjoyed some butterbeer before returning to the ancient castle that was ; Hogwarts.

13th November 1991 - 7:00pm

"May I have your attention! ", Dumbledore called out," As you all know, the triwizard tournament will be held in Hogwarts so it is my pleasure to introduce the ladies from Beauxbatons! ".

The grand oak doors opened to a herd of girls dressed head to toe in blue. The walked up the aisle a little before extending their hands and revealing butterflies. Astrea scrunched up her nose, 'How cringy can you get?!'

Then came Durmstrang - less cringy but cringy. One even dared to flirt with her! His name was Nathaniel Carrow - awkward seeing as the only Carrow's in existence Astrea knew of were Amycus and Alecto. Must've been Deaths doing. But for real he was like fifteen at the least! And she was Eleven!!

Everyone ate peacefully (as peaceful as it could be with two other schools in the room) before it was time for the champions to be selected.

Everyone sat eagerly on the edge of their seats watching as the cup glowed a violent blue. Dumbledore caught the paper and read out, "Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons!"

The next was Victor Krum from Durmstrang. So the champions were the same, Astrea thought.

And finally Dumbledore caught the last piece of paper, "Astrea Potter", he said as Astrea's face darkened. Damn you Death.

20th November 1991 -  3:00pm

The two new schools had settled quite well and that day was the day of the first task. Astrea was relieved and worried. Relieved because at least Cedric would live but worried because what if she didn't. Although she had done all tasks before, it was not enough to calm her fretting nerves.

She had yet to here from "Lord Slytherin" about her proposal but didn't need to worry any longer as an owl flew into the window of her dormitory before dropping off a letter.

It was neatly written and read,

Dear Miss Potter,

I sincerely apologise for the late response but as you've heard the Wizengamot has been quite a trouble these last days. On top of that, I have yet to find where my supposed wife has gone. Nonetheless I hope your offer remains as I have decided to accept it. Do come as soon as you are able to do so.

Yours sincerely,

T. M. R.

She took out her quill and a bottle of ink.

Dear T. M. R.,

I am heavily delighted to hear that you've accepted my proposal. I look forward to meeting you this Saturday. And I have a feeling your "Wife" will turn up soon.

Yours truly,

A. A. P

She tied the letter in ribbon and tied it with string to the owls leg before sending it on its way.

23rd November 1991 - 4:00pm

That day, was a Thursday. And unlike any other Thursday, this one was a day students were exempt from lessons for some unknown reason. Still none questioned it.

It was also the day Lord Slytherin receive a lovely visit from his dear "wife".

He was sat on the safe sofa calculating. He had just received the Potter's Heir's letter. A short one at that but sufficed nonetheless. He was sipping tea when the door opened. His gaze moved to the door, feeling around for his wand.

"Anyone home? ", She called out peeping round the door.

He sighed. It was just her.

" Where have you been, oh dear wife of mine? ", He asked getting up to greet her.

" I have been abroad, duty calls, darling ", She replied as he chuckled.

" Don't lie to me, Darling ", He said pushing her against the wall his hand on her neck.

" Kinky ", She managed to breathe out.

He gave a look of disgust," Don't flatter yourself ".

" If anything I should ask who are you ", She raised an eyebrow to it.

" I am Lord Slytherin ", He said, his face stoic.

" No you are not!", She accused.

"Yes I am! And as your husband you will listen to me! ", He said raged.

" Prove it! Prove that you are my husband ", She demanded.

Before she could say anymore, his mouth pressed on hers as his hand snaked from behind and buried itself in her hair. The kiss was rough, him trying to dominate over her, but she fought fiercely. He tasted of mint and honey. An odd combination but soothing. He kissed her hungrily as if he actually meant it and she weren't some fling. But the kiss ended as fast as it started. Both pulled away gasping for air.

"I-Im sorry I didn't mean– ", He wax cut off by her saying.

" Just shut up and kiss me ", She said as their mouths met once again.


OK So it's short. I apologise. And no smut. Again I apologise. But I didn't want to get into anything deep just yet. So yea, heh...

Byeeeeee <3

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