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" I love seeing people's scars, it shows me how I afraid I should be of them"

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" I love seeing people's scars, it shows me how I afraid I should be of them"


3rd September 1991 - 8:15am

HERE IS YOUR RESULTS Miss Potter, I must say they're astonishing and I, have seen several birth sheets however none compare to yours.


Name : Astrea Avaline Slytherin-Potter
Parents : Adriya Aura Slytherin neè Black and Arthur Edward Slytherin (birth)
Lily Potter neè Evans and James Potter (Adopted)
Core: Diamond (higher than Merlins)
Powers : Parseltounge (blocked - Albus Dumbledore)
Parselmagic (blocked - Albus Dumbledore)
Natural legilimens and occulumens ( blocked - Albus Dumbledore)
Wandless and wordless magic (blocked - Albus Dumbledore)
Necromancy (blocked - Albus Dumbledore)
Metamorphagus powers (blocked - Albus Dumbledore)
Druid Magic (unblockable)
Heir/ladyships - Heir to most ancient and noble house of Slytherin
Lady to most ancient and noble house of Potter
Lady to most ancient and noble house of Griffindor
Lady to most ancient and noble house of Ravenclaw
Lady to most ancient and noble house of Hufflepuff
Heir to most ancient and noble house of Peverell
Heir to most ancient and noble house of Emrys
Lady to most ancient and noble house of Black
Soulmate : Tom Marvolo Riddle

"What the.... ", Astrea whispered before looking up at the goblin," This can't be possible right? ".

" I'm afraid yes, your majesty this is possible and your birth parents went through many complications to achieve this ", the goblin replied," Would you like your ladyship and heir rings? They can merge into one and will warn you against most dangers ".

" Sure ", She said putting on the rings," By the way, take fifty galleons out of each account for yourself and your family ".

" Thank you so much, but I do not need that much, you see I live on my own but thanks for the offer your majesty you are truly kind ", The goblin replied.

" Also see to it all of these abilities are unblocked ".

3rd September 1991 - 1:00pm

"-I am so ready to murder someone", Astrea said on their way to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Rea, what happened? ", Colette asked the girl.

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