Once Upon A Blood Moon

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" We All Have Our Sorrows, Not All Of Us Deserve Them"

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" We All Have Our Sorrows, Not All Of Us Deserve Them"


31st July 1980

The sun shone brightly that day it's welcoming rays blessing the baby's head. Her mother rocked her in her arms humming a sweet tune.

The doors burst open and three men walked in.

"Let me see my goddaughter! Move out the way! ", He said before scoffing, " Nurses ".

" Shhhh she's only just been put asleep don't wake her up, Sirius! ", The woman said in a scolding tone.

" Sorry mother ", He chuckled.

The first man, James, walked up to his daughter, " I hope you do not mind, Lily-flower, if I pick the first name for our bundle of sunshine? ".

The woman smiled, too weak to say anymore, she handed him the baby and fell in the grasping hands of sleep.

The baby squealed upon seeing him, fantasised by his hair and was keen on pulling it.

" Hey, Hey! Not the hair! ", He chuckled and was fascinated by the colour of her eyes when she opened them they were an 'Avada Kedavra' green ," Hmm, I had a name for you, Primrose, but upon seeing your innocent eyes I believe this name will suit you somewhat better ".

" I name thee Astrea Avaline Potter, so mote it to be ".

21st December 1980

He strode down the hallway, his cloak bellowing out behind him.

" Greetings, Mister Ragnok, may your enemies be dripping in blood before you ", The man bowed.

" As to you Lord Slytherin, pray do tell what may I be of service to thee? ", The goblin asked.

" I would like a blood test to be done if you allow of course ", Lord Slytherin replied.

" Very well, Lord Slytherin, three drops of blood is required ", and the man did as he said, " The test is very much complete ".

The goblin handed him the paper and he was surprised to say the least.


Name : Tom Marvolo Riddle
Parents : Merope Gaunt and Tom Riddle Snr.
Core : Neutral
Lord/ Heirships : Lord to the house of Slytherin
Heir to the ancient and noble house of Gaunt
Powers : Parseltounge
Wandless and wordless magic
Soulmate : Astrea Avaline Potter

"I CAN SIMPLY NOT BELIEVE BEING SOULMATES TO SOME WHO IS A FRIGGING BABY! THERE HAS TO BE A MISTAKE ", He shouted whilst pacing the room in Slytherin Manor," Dear Circe there is surely a mistake I cannot love, I should not have a soulmate ".

Soon enough he'd forget about it, he thought. But that wasn't the case especially when a certain somebody caused his downfall.

31st October 1981

Snap! A man had just apparated. He strode to the house which was filled with happiness. Happiness. He sneered. Another emotion he would never feel. He burst the door open.

"Lily! He's here! Take Astrea and go! ", The man James Potter screamed to his wife.

How chivalrous of him, and well he didn't grow up to be too ugly but oh well, the man who had fine black hair which slightly curled at the end, a sharp jawline and chiseled features certainly didn't match his cold demeanour, his urge to kill, his pleasure in seeing the light slip from his victims eyes - it was the perfect juxtaposition.

A flash later, James Fleamont Potter was dead. Murdered. In. Cold. Blood. He marched up the stairs to see a ginger haired woman standing in front of a crib.

"Move aside foolish girl! ", Tom Riddle said," Just let me kill your child and all will be well ".

But Lily was defiant, she stood courageously in front of her child.

" Very well ", He said before shouting," AVADA KEDAVRA! ",And Lily dropped to the floor revealing a little baby girl in the crib.

Tom pointed his wand at her but she simply grabbed it sticking it in her mouth and sucking on it. She grabbed onto his robes wanting to be picked up and he snarled in disgust. Nonetheless he picked her up and sneered when she kissed him on the cheek. Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw him and instantly she loved him, murderer or not.

"I'm sorry to do this - who am I kidding no I'm not - AVADA KEDAVRA! ", He shouted forgetting they were soulmates and could not hurt each other. Lady Hecate protected Astrea leaving no mark on her body and Tom Riddle was reduced to dust.

17th February 1997

" Ron! You know what Dumbledore said, She HAS to die! Otherwise Voldemort can't be defeated! ", Hermione said.

" But Hermione! She's our friend! Plus if she dies then how will we defeat Voldemort?! ", Ron questioned.

" The prophecy mentioned two people! It's not the chosen one. It's the chosen ones! Astrea and Neville. Because Voldemort went after Astrea, Neville can live to defeat him! ", Hermione said.

"But she's our friend we can't do that to her!", Ron protested.

"Yes we can! Remember what Dumbledore said. Plus he's the Almighty Dumbledore. He wasn't given that title for nothing, he knows more than we do! We must follow his orders", Hermione said oblivious to the person eavesdropping.

Astrea ran to the closest lavatory and sobbed.
She couldn't believe it! Her friends, well her ex friends were just using her! For money! For fame!

Up above, watching her, was Death. He shook his head sadly, he hated seeing his Mistress like this. He decided this would be the right time to make an appearance.

" Do not cry my dear"

" W-W-What?! Whose there?! ", She asked looking around until she saw his haunting figure.

"It is I, Mistress, Death"

" N-No there's a misunderstanding! I-I I'm not your Mistress! ", She said.

"But you are, I can give you a second chance, you can start again Mistress"

" R-Really?! ", She asked.

"I wouldn't lie to my Mistress, would I, just state the people you'd like to bring back with you"

" Uhm I'd like to bring uhm Severus Snape, Voldemort, Mr, and Mrs Dursley, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom please if it's alright with you ", She stated.

"Very well, Mistress"

And on that note, Astrea fainted onto the cold floors of Hogwarts as time reversed itself.

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