Chaos inside, Mess outside, Order all around

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"Maisara come with me. Now" Mr. Lake said softly yet sternly. " Your teacher here is aware that you will have to miss his class today"

"Ok" I said. Minutes later I was behind him, my bag on my shoulder and Ameen by my side walking with Mr. Lake to our home with a lot of confusion.

We only understood that we were needed urgently at home and Mrs. Collins and Mr. Lake both had grave voices.

"Um, can we know what is happening Mr. Lake?"

"Does any one of you two have the kyes to your house?" He asked as soon as I finished my question. It annoyed me that no one seemed to notice that Ameen and I were like lost ducklings in this whole scenario.

"No, not today" I answered. "Mr. Lake can we know what is going on please?" This time I made sure he heard me.

He didn't say anything for a few long seconds which added to my anguish and judging by the way Ameen had lines on his forhead he was anguished too.

"A neigbor of yours called the school saying that your mother went to the hospital in an unconscious state after talking on the phone with someone. She was in the grossery store as was your neigbor at the time" He explained quitely. "We don't know how she is now. your neigbor did not say more and hung up the phone saying she had a flight to catch soon so she departed after calling the abulance for your mother."

We all stayed silent for the rest of the jorney to the hospital, and to say I was freaking out was un understatement. What bothered me the most what that a tiny part of me suspected that my father had something to do with this. I was scared. I started to tap my fingeres on my lap furiously to the melody of a nashid my father loved so, The Sound of Tears by Nader Khan, repeating the lyrics in my head (I knew them by heart).

After some time we reached the hospital and we went to the front desk.

"What is your mother's name?" Mr. Lake asked.

"Sakeenah Ríos" Ameen answered.

Mr. Lake asked the nurse about my mother and after being told we were her children and their teacher she orderd another nurse to take us to were she was.

We had to go up 7 flights of stairs and after arriving panting hard we were led to room 710. Just as we were about to enter a female doctor came out.

"Are you here to see Sakkenah Ríos?" she asked.

"Yes" Ameen said.

"I am sorry, but Sakeena has to rest. She has not gained consciousness yet. The news she heard was very hard for her and the baby. She went into shock and fainted due to it."



Ya Allah.

What news?

At last my voice made an appearance.

"What news?" I asked her.

"Y-you don't know...?" her voice was quiet and grave. "Come with me"

We followed her, Mr. Lake behind us untill we reached a  waiting room. She sat down and waited for us to sit. Mr. Lake sat behind us.

"I-I really don't know how to say this" she started "being a doctor one would thing one gets used to it but no, its still hard" she paused, then she continued taking a breath "The call your mother recieved was from Saudi Arabia informing her about her husband's death."

My fingers stopped tapping, dropping to my side. I did not comprehend what she said, but I felt like everything stopped and I felt empty, very empty, and heavy. After some time it came to me.

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