Typical...Not Typical

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When there are little stars on some words or frases, it is like a footnote. At the end of the chapter there will be an explenation about it.

On another note, I apologize for not updating for monthes. I had writer's block and had other things going on. InshaAllah  this will not happen again. Ramadan Mubarak :) May Allah swt grant you paradise  <3


Feeling like you were fed a healing potion made by Gilderoy Lockhart* is not a pleasent way to feel. Much less when Ms menses is around on her second day. Not that I have anything against her really, I actually find the cramps interesting instead of irritating.

However triying to get through school on a Monday does not help, speacially when the lunch bell is about to go off and Mr. Lake will be wondering why I avoided him and did not show up at the library to pray with him and Ameen.

Ameen has no idea I am menstruating for the next few days either.

The bell goes off, and the feeling of nervousness I've been feeling for the last couple of hours only intensifies.

"Hey" Says a voice on my right.

I look away from my bag in wich I was packing my things to see Kathleen Castellian. She is wearing a red flannel shirt and jeans, a gray cardigan in her hand and her bag on her shoulder.

"Hey" I replied, going back to pushing my goegraphy textbook in my bag. I then looked at her again noticing she looked different, I just didn't know how exacly. Or why.

"How are you?" I asked while swinging my bag on my shoulder.

She stayed silent for a few seconds. "I am ok. You?" she said finally.

"Ok as well"

We exited the classroom together not saying anything more, and started heading towards the caffeteria. Only we never really got there together, seeing that halfway to the caffeteria Mr. Lake passed us and stopped, calling me.

"Sir?" I said turning around to face him.

"Let's go?" He said, and I understood perfectly what he meant.

Kathleen's stomach made it clear then that it was in desperate need of food and that it won't wait for an unnesessarily long time .

"You can go on, Kathleen" I said. She dissapeard around the corner without so much as a glance at the pair of us.

"I...uh..."I started, returning my attention to Mr. Lake.

He turned to the direction of where Ameen's side of school was but I quickly stopped him, saying in beatween stutters in a murmur that I wuld not be joining them .


Well...this certainly will be embarrasing.

"I am not praying " I stated quietly after a few seconds of silence.

I was looking at the facinating looking small trashcan trying to distract myself from blushing. It was a failed attempt, since my whole face became ignited in a matter of nanoseconds.

" Oh...uh..., ok then. See you in c-class Ms. Gray".

"Yes sir." I turned and rushed to the caffeteria. Did he just stutter? Well,  I answered my self, duh! wasn't he in an embarrasing situation just now Maisara Gray?


Feeling snappy has it's perks, at least for me. Defending people when they need it in a more verbal manner instead of a mental one is one of them. At least in this case.

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