Memories made and repeated...

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N O T E:

I am so sorry for not updating when I was supposed to...I was waiting for the right moment and feeling; If I dont wait for it what I write will turn out a bunch of nonsense so...

I also started studiying again after the holidays.

Anyways, just so you know I will not drop this book until its finised :)

Hope you are enjoying so far...

Next chapter: ...


Maisara Gray's POV:

It's feels so wrong. It's downright totourus having to act a way in front of others and  feeling entirely different on the inside. Honestly I really don't know how I do it, I just know I grit my teeth (figuratively speaking) and do it holding on to whatever reason I have that does't waver. 

Eventualy my mind survives it. Its always like that. Even sometimes when I feel I can't anymore 

I couldn't concentrate on anything for long today, and its quite unnesesary to say I was late for school today again. At least Mr. York my Chemestry teacher didn't put me in detetntion.

All I could think about was the dream I had. I was worried, and confused. I was scared about knowing what it could mean, and it was that same reason  that kept me from finding out what it meant.

I fetl like I was going crazy, and I knew I couldn't be feeling like that when Allah is there for me, for us as a family no matter what happens. So I decided to take my qur'an out from its place and start reading Surah Taha, one of the surahs most dear to my heart.

Eventually I calmed down, but not entirely, so I went on even if I knew I would not fully forget what I saw last night.

But by th end of Surah Taha I noticed I was not as agitated as before, and I was for the first time today as calm as I could be. I knew Allah was with me and would not let me suffer something I could not bear, so why was I so scared?

After putting my Qur'an back in its place I rested my back on my bed, my head facing upwards looking at the starts I sticked there long ago and started relieveing the most interesting memory I had of today so far.


I was running (again) through the corridors of school  wich this time led me to my math class. Seeing nobody was infront of me in the corridor I looked at my watch. Good, Iv'e got 3 minutes to spare, just the time I need.

As I predicted, 3 minutes later I was sitting down on my usual seat (the one at the front next to the window) and taking out my math things.

That is when the teacher came.

And who would it be but Mr. Lake himself.

At this point I was taking my math text book  out of my bag  and almost dropped it in shock as I raised my face to see the teacher. Immediately I felt a blush comming for an known reason, and I lifted my bag putting it on my lap to cover it.

I also felt that wierd prickl in my  heart and stomach again.

I took my cold water bottle out of my bag and discreatly put it on each of my cheeks in turn until I was almost possitive the blush was no longer there. I couldn't keep doing it because that's when Mr. Lake closed the door to the classroom indicating the start of his class.

I put my bag back on the hook on the side of the table, said bismillah and started to organize my math stuff on my table, partly just to distract my self of a particular someone at the front of the class.

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