InshaAllah we will meet again...

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Ya Allah Graciela is something I tell you, and not something pleasant.

The whole meeting with the principal and Mr. Lake she was whining about how innocent she is and of course about how rude I am. That girl is a liar and yes, I would say it to her face so I'm not backbiting her.

I mean, for God's sake! hasn't she got anything better to do with her life? I really wonder why she bothers herself with me. It really makes no sense at all.

After the meeting I rushed to double History class. And I was almost late again. I sat on my regular seat, the one next to the window at the front of the class, while the teacher Mr. Levinsky closed the door.

As usual on first days, he started introducing himself and making us introduce ourselves, but one thing I found interesting was his name, Edward Levinsky. "Isn't that Ameen's history teacher's surname too? So that means they could be-" My mental analysis of what both teachers could be was interrupted by Mr. Levinsky himself.

"Ms. Gray?" I jumped in my seat and heard a few sniggers from my classmates.

"S-sir?" I said trying to sound composed after the near heart attack he gave me.

" I was talking to you Maisara, but it seemed you were somewhere else. Can we know where you were and why?" He asked sternly but gently.

"Um... well, I was here but I was wondering what you had to do with Mrs. Dora Levinsky..." I mumbled " I notice you two have the same surname..."

"Oh..." He said chuckling which made me look up. "She is my wife." He smiled widely showing all his front teeth.

"What did you think she was to me" He asked still smiling.

"Maybe your sister or cousin or wife, or maybe someone who had nothing to do with you." I replied quietly but smiling. Outside home and in places like school I was quiet.

"She has everything to do with me" he said still smiling. For a split second my eyes looked up at his and saw they were what looked like black, and they were twinkling. 

I don't look at people's eyes often, and I definitely dent make eye contact while interacting with them. It's confusing, makes me anxious, and it really isn't necessary in my opinion. God, it doesn't even make sense to me why people do it so much!

With that last comment on Mr. Levinsky's part, we returned to studiying history.

After a very satisfying double history class the bell rang indicating our second recess. I made my way to my special place in school where I could be alone and be myself with myself. It was between the back of school and the school's enormous "playground", and it was in a position in which I could hear if anyone was coming, and it gave way to the school's playground with had some good hiding places.

I reached it panting and dropped my bag against the wall sitting next to it. I started relieving the memories of today but a specific one came before it was due and wouldn't go or at least wait for its turn. The way he led us in Salat was so pure and genuine even I could feel it. His voice was so soothing...It was melodious and smooth, not too deep but not unmanly either. Remembering his voice in Salat made me feel that weird prickle in my heart and stomach again...

My mind then went to trying to remember his face when I became aware of what my mind was trying to do and what I was doing, and I quickly stood up saying astaghfirullah and shaking my head but feeling surprised at myself inside at the same time.

What on earth was that? He does seem interesting, fascinating even, but replaying his voice in my mind? trying to remember his face?

I wonder what is wrong with me, I really do. I must be crazy.

A Dream Like YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz