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I am running like a maniac through the corridors after getting my timestable from the secretary office, to get to the other end of school for my Biology class, and let me say I am proud of my speed, if it weren't for it I would already be 20 minutes late to class. I am currently 14 minutes late due to the fact that the secretary was getting her coffee and I had to wait for her, wich was no fun at all.

I stopped abruptly 5 steps away from the classroom door to catch my breath, but my nerves were becoming excruciating so sighing I quickly wiped the sweat from my forehead with my sleeve, said bismillah, took a deep breath, and turned the handle with a shaking sweaty hand. I was immediately greeted with at least 35 pairs of eyes on me (Wich I absolutely detested) and a faint smell of cologne. Blushing I said Good Morning in the highest voice I could muster without screaming (my voice was very low in situations like this one and I couldn't control it) and sat in the front seat next to the window immediately covering my blushing face with my bag to take my biology stuff out along with my pencil case.

"Ms. you are late, care to explain why?" Said the teacher.

O-oh..."I-I dropping my brother off to the primary school section of the school a-and the secretary was getting her coffee s-sir..."I said, again triying to keep my voice audiable but failing to keep it steady.

"You would have been able to do that on time if you were on time from the beginning" he said "detention after school 3:00 pm meet me in my office"

"Yes Sir" I said again trying to keep my voice audible.

"So we will continue with the presentations of each person. You go last since you arrived last. Carry on" directed the teacher.

"My name is Graciela Richardson, I am a dogs person, and I love instagram" oh no...well, biology just got complicated...Graciela hates me for some reason and she showes it. Ya Allah, help me...

Graciela has caramel blond chest length straight hair, kind of small brown eyes and light skin. She can look cute believe me, but i'd rather not talk about her personality.

"Next" said the teacher.

" I am Samuel Whitaker, I love football, and playing the drums".

By now my nerves were reaching an alarming point, In case you haven't noticed, I absolutely hated being in the spotlight, the center of atention, and now in a few minutes I had to present myself to the whole class.

I started thinking frantically about what to say. "Calm down, I thought to myself, "what do we like? we like no, love reading, singing and dancing in privet, but we will ofcourse not say that last part...ermmm we like-we like ice skating...yes that is it. That is good; so we will say our name and-"

"Ms. Gray it's your turn" said the teacher with a hint of impatience in his voice. Oops...

Taken by surprise I started "I- well, my name is Maisara Gray, I-I love reading and Ice skating..." I said blushing again. But I'm proud to say I have become skillful covering my blushes, this time I feigned tucking my hair in my hijab.

"Thank you." Said the teacher "Now, we have 15 minutes left so I will be giving you guys a revision sheet in which you will answer questions about what you have learned these last years in Biology. You may start doing them till the bell rings.

With that he started giving out the sheets, and alhamdulillah this time I was the first to receive it, it was 3 pages long and after reading the questions I concluded they were fairly simple.

2 minutes before the bell rang I gave the teacher my complete sheet. I was not excelent in Biology but I was good at it and generally liked it. The teacher seemed happy with my sheet so taking a deep breath I asked him what his name was. 

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