🦋 The breakdown

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The breakdown.

Another week flew by, and since Harry was still avoiding talking to me, it was inevitable drifting us apart.

It was true.
The twin flame thing, it was a really intense relationship and just as fast as it came, it went off too.
And I could feel the separation already burning me on the inside.

I was moody, angry, my mornings weren't the same without Harry to run by my side, my lunches weren't the same without hanging out at the greenhouse with him, everything was different.

And it was really annoying.

Because he just came into my life less than two months ago and now he has become irreplaceable.

I missed him already.
I missed his cat, I missed his butterflies, I missed his depressing movies, I missed his crazy ideas.

I missed him.

I tried talking to him. More than once.
Niall tried to talk to him too.

But he just wouldn't budge.

He kept repeating that he wasn't ready just yet, asking me for patience.

I didn't know what else to do and I was losing my fucking mind.

I called Liam more than once just to ask for advice, but he was just as lost as I was.
So was Niall.

And the whole situation was just frustrating and stressing the both of us.

So, when I heard the door of my flat opening and some quick steps on the floor, I just buried my face on the pillow of my bed and groaned.

"I don't want any more beer, Niall. I'm still hungover from last night."

"Do you want water?" - I heard a voice saying from the frame of my door.

"Harry." - I sat up in bed, surprised.

He was standing there with a smirk on his face.

"In the flesh. So, you're hungover? I leave for like a week and you just spend that time drinking with my best friend?"

"Sorry, he... he just loves alcohol." - I mumbled, running a hand on my face. - "Fuck. I really need water."

"I'll bring it to you." - He said and turned around, heading to my kitchen.

I took a deep breath and sighed, reaching for a shirt and putting it on, glancing at my phone, I saw it was almost seven pm.

I slept all day long?

Harry returned with a cup of coffee and a glass of water. He handed the glass to me and climbed into the bed by my side, settling himself under the blankets.

I took a sip of my water and turned to look at him, feeling a little awkward.

"So?" - I asked.

"So?" - He smiled.

"This means?" - I asked again, doubtful.

"This means I'm ready to listen to you." - He smiled again. - "But first, I just want you to know that I've been thinking and arranging some stuff." - He turned to me and took my hand. - "I'm ready to go to England with you. I don't want to be without you. I can't. So I'm willing to move and follow you."


"I don't want distance to drift us apart. I won't let it happen. I'm staying with you all the way. It doesn't mean that I'm actually moving in with you, just together in the same country." - He grinned. - "What do you say?"

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