🦋An Irish and a bottle

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An Irish and a bottle.

One good thing I did my whole life, was to not let people know my real name in the football business.

It was easier when they all called me Tommo. No one really knew my whole name, so in the real world I could be just Louis William every time I wanted a little escape.

Especially now.

So, hidden behind a snapback and a hoodie, I left England without a trace.

I had already decided to move to Oregon for at least three months and then go back just in time to start the football season.

Liam did the amazing job of finding me a furnitured apartment and a car to move around the city but without catching many eyes on me.

I only took one duffle bag with me.
Only bringing things that didn't cost me much money or were too extravagant for daily use in a little town by the beach.

So mostly shorts, swim trunks, shirts and underwear.
I could always buy more things there.

This whole vacation mood was hitting me hard already.
I felt like I didn't care about anything or anyone, I felt like I was free for once, and that nothing really mattered.

And it had only just started.

But that's what I needed. To disconnect.

Three months ahead of no worries, no duties and no people to bother me.

If that wasn't heaven, then what the fuck is?

Once I arrived in Oregon I made my way to the rental car offices and then trade for my car.
And let's say that Liam didn't ask for a regular car as he had said.
He rented me a very old, country-like, red truck.

To say that I was fuming was an understatement.

Because even if I wanted to change it for another model, they had every other vehicle booked.

So I took it. But I was not happy about it.

I used my phone as a GPS to guide me to the little town and that's how I ended up driving for four hours or so until I reached my destination.

The apartment.

Which was sad to say the least.

Only one room, one bathroom and no balcony.
The only good thing about it was that it had the furniture in every room and I didn't have to do much around.

It wasn't that badly decorated either. It was just small for what I'm accustomed to, but that doesn't mean it's bad.
I guess.

I shrugged it off and convinced myself that that was what I needed.

I went down and walked to the nearest food place and bought some take-away before returning to my new apartment.

When I was finally placing my feet over the coffee table with the tv on and the food container in my lap, the doorbell rang.

"What?" - I growled.

After the second ring I reluctantly walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey, you must be the newbie!" - A thick Irish accent said before I even opened the door. - "I'm Ni… Oh my God! You're Tommo!"

"Jesus. You have to be kidding me."

"Tommo! Oh shit Lord. What the fuck?!"

"Stop shouting!" - I whispered-yelled.

"You are him, aren't you?"

I raised an eyebrow at him and took his wrist, pulling him inside.

"You're going to sit there and listen to me." - I said, pointing to the chairs at the table. - "I'm Tommo but you're not going to say a word about it. Nobody has to know I'm here. You hear me?" - I said sharply and the guy nodded. - "Now what was your name?"

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