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AN : Wanted to say a quick hello to R0SEMALL0, you've voted on all the parts, thank you! I always see your name in my notifs, you're appreciated! ❤🖤 Got one as I was typing this out. Thank you sm! 🥺
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When we got home that night, all I had on was Judd's tee. My clothes were completely soaked with lake water and a bit crusty from whatever was near my van. I darted up the stairs the second the front door opened, quickly slipping on a pair of Judd's boxers he'd left on our floor. As long as I was completely covered, I didn't care what it was.

I headed back downstairs and took a seat on the couch next to Judd, nuzzling into his side. He wrapped an arm around me and held me close, scrolling through his phone. He liked burner phones but I made him get an actual phone so I'd always have a way to reach him - like an emergency. That and I hated having one contact with a bunch of different phone numbers under it.

Nick started up again on his Nightly Nicky Tirade, no one was sure about what exactly this time. He wasn't clear about it, just loud. It was almost second nature to tune him out. I had a movie playing mentally, a great one. Encanto meets Coco. Produced and directed by me! (And Johnny Depp.)

(Quick A/N - this was written before the Johnny/Amber trial. I'm not on either side as of Oct 12th, things are too complicated at this time. Please dont take this as me siding with him or as me not <3)

He ended up storming off when nobody tried to comfort him. I knew Elliott wanted to but Nick wasn't getting anything from it. He needed therapy and it was on my list to talk to Diane and Elliott about the concern. I fell asleep at some point, curled up in Judd's side.

I woke up at some point early in the morning, the sun hadn't even risen yet. I had this god awful sick feeling, like a nausea bomb went off in my guts. I moved Judd's arm away from me carefully and headed down the hall, checking in each of the rooms. I usually did this after a nightmare or something to reassure myself that everyone was okay.

I checked Nick's room last as honestly, I was afraid of an outburst this early. I hesitantly opened the door and stuck my head in, scanning the room silently. "What are you doing?" A voice asked causing me to jump. Nick was sitting up in the middle of his bed, his phone super close to his face. I laughed nervously. "It's weird to explain." He motioned for me to come in.

I sat on Nick's bed, in between him and the foot. "Basically, if I have a bad dream or whatever, I'll come check on you guys. I thought everyone knew." I shook my head. "I'm not trying to watch you sleep or anything, just wanna make sure you're still living." He nodded along, occasionally scrolling through whatever he was on. "Nick?"

He looked up, staring at me with a blank expression. I could see Instagram open through the lights of his eyes. He was cyber-stalking a girl named Roland. I ignored it, I'd bring it up to Elliott and Diane with the therapy concern. "Thanks for being such a cool little dude," I said as I stood up. I turned from the door and looked at him, flashing him a toothy grin. "By the way, Judd still has an old teddy bear in his closet. Said his name was Ro-bear-to." I figured after the whole house always knowing your business, sometimes it's nice to know a few secrets.

I slipped out of his room and settled down on the couch, turning the tv on. I'd turned the volume down and subtitles on as I watched a Disney movie. As the sun rose so did everyone else, hesitantly. A small blur slipped in front of the tv screen followed by a much larger blur. Nick dashed through the house, laughing but also pleading with Judd not to kill him. Judd was screaming, demanding to know how he knew about the bear and why he dared to bring him up. I didn't think I'd ever seen Judd so angry. I could've counted the veins in this man's neck. His face was red and his eyes bloodshot.

Oh no.

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