Author's Note

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Hello, people. This'll be quick, don't worry.

So, to start off, I'd like to say that Six Will Stand was made with roleplay-type aspects or whatever.... So, I own some characters while the person I wrote with (who isn't on Wattpad, at least I don't think) owns others. What I'm saying is: please don't give me all the credit. Also, most of the plot was made after a bunch of the story already happened (we just sorta wrote along with stuff), which means the beginning only makes a little sense. Currently, I'm trying to edit the chapters I publish as best I can with the new information while still keeping the same parts to it.

This is an original story, but it has some materials that are references or are entire songs taken from other things (but I may take them out if I deem them unnecessary and just me being a nerd), so I'll put this little disclaimer here: I don't own Attack on Titan, Mekaku City Actors, the song Kami no Manimani, the Sims, or any other reference you can find because I can't remember some of the rest.... The person I wrote with and I only own the plot and characters. No references to other things. Thank you.

Now, on to the story!

Six Will Stand (First Draft)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant