Chapter 5 The Rampion

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Considering we were all going together, Thorne insisted we rode together. In his car I might add. He picked me up in a black mustang with what looked like a stripper painted on the back.
It was embarrassing enough that I was 18 and still didn't have a car. I mean, I got a license at 16, but my dad refused to buy me a car. "We have more important things to spend out money on," he said. Right, like a bunch of beer. He's been like this ever since mom died when I was 9. I think he blames me for her death. Having an alcoholic dad isn't great, but I means I get the house to myself a lot. It would be nice not to have interruptions when my friends are over.....or when Cinders over.

The ride to cinders house was only a few minutes, but it felt like hours. I still didn't test Thorne so whenever he said something I' a) ignored him B) replied in a one word answer. I guess Cress was pretty nice, but we didn't talk much ethier, she was too busy swooning over Thorne.
I was cool and colecteted until the car came to a stop. Woah, wait. We're already here? I looked down at the roses in the seat next to me. Was that too cheesy? Oh screw it.

I snatched up the blood red flowers into my hand and opened the car door.
"Come on the bar closes at 12, we don't have forever."
Even when being a prick, I could still tell Thorne was excited. Cress playfully hit him on the arm before turning around and giving me a big toothy smile. "Good luck!"

I kindly smiled back and stepped out the car. My hands were shaking by the time I reached the front door. I took a deep breath, regained my posture, and confidently rang the doorbell.
I was not expecting what opened that door.
Crap, shes hot.
With that shoulder (does that sound weird?) and that drop dead sexy skirt that makes her look hot without seeming like a prostitute.
Damn cinder...
OH that reminds me of this really cheesy pickup line I heard the other day.
I let out a small giggle at my terrible pickup line.

Cinders smile fell quickly, "I'm sorry, is this too much? I told pearl-"
"No! No, Cinder it's fine I are you French? Cuz maDAMN!"
She looked shocked for a second, then threw her head back with laughter. Oh god, why why whyyyy did I say it out loud?! She didn't make fun of me though, just went, "Smooth, Kai."
"Oh!" I remembered and handed her the roses. Her mouth parted slightly in surprise before smirking. "Since when are you such a romantic," she asked in a teasing tone.
Cinder was about to grab the roses when she flinched back and grabbed her finger.
"Oh oh shit. I am so sorry. I didn't get anything to cover the thrones I am really really sorry. Here let me see it.
"It's ok, she smiled at my rambling, then stuck out her hand. I kissed her knuckles and she blushed slightly.

I then grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. We walked to the car hand and hand. Of course, I opened the car door for her. I had to at least pretend to be a gentleman.

After Cin said her greetings to Cress and Thorne, we finally started to go.
The ride was awkward. Nice, but awkward.

Thorne had a genius idea to kidnap Scarlet and Wolf, get them drunk, then let their alcohol infused bodies make out and 'accidently' confess their love for each other.
We all laughed so hard that we actually agreed just for the hell of it.
When we pulled up at Wolfs house, I didn't even bother to knock. I just leaped out of the Rampion and charged up into his room. I dragged him downstairs and shoved him into the backseat.
"To Scarlets!!!" I yelled and pointed my finger as I plopped down into the backseat.
Wolf, Cinder, and I were squished in the back seat. Wolf looked incredibly uneasy.
"So," he folded his hands in his lap, "what, exactly are we doing?"
"Kidnapping scarlet," Cress replied.
"Um ok cool.... How?"
"Well Thorne wanted to throw rocks at her window and yell 'Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair!' But we thought it would be more appropriate to call her little red riding hood."

When cress finished talking, the car fell into and extremely awkward silence.
"Ok. Let's do this," Wolf smirked.
*basically they ride to Scarlets house yayyyy*

We all hurried out the car and ran behind Scarlets house where we knew her bedroom was. Cinder and cress pulled out their phones to take a video.
"Little red? Little red are you home?" Thorne called from below.
As if on cue, Scar's bedroom window flew open as she poked her head out. To say she didn't look happy would be an understatement.
"Who the hell called me?!"
"Heyyyyy!" We all answered in sync.
She made a demonic sort of noise and yelled "My grandmas gonna be pissed if she sees you guys. I'm sopossed to be getting ready for bed."
"Come on scar, she'll never know you left," I persuaded.
Giving up, Scarlet shut her window. Wolf leaned over to me," she coming or...?"
We heard the window open again, then Thornes yelp of pain. I looked up to see Scarlet smirking.
"What did you do," I asked loudly.
Thorne winced, "She threw a friggin lamp at me! What the actual fuck scar?!"
Scarlet seemed proud of herself. I couldn't help but smirk. I can't say I didn't enjoy Thorne in pain.
"You needed to lighten up," she said cheerfully. Everyone except Thorne burst into laughter.

Cress stumbled over to Thorne, almost tripping from laughing so hard. "sorry sweetie. You kinda deserved it."
Thorne flipped off Scar, but I could see a small smile tugging at his lips.
"So you coming? I called. She smiled, nodded her head, then closed her window(again). Less than a minute later, she was walking out the back door.
"If I get grounded, I'm totally blaming you guys," she said, pointing her finger at each of us. "Cinder texted me by the way. Kufra right?"
I nodded. Scarlet was wearing black skinny jeans and a huge red sweatshirt. Her and Wolf didn't exactly look like they were going on a date, but I sopossed it was short notice.
"Oh, and thanks for the lamp," Thorne smirked as he picked up the lamp and started walking to the front, hand in anhand with cress.
Unfortunately, the Rampion could only seat four people. Scarlet on Wolfs lap, and Cinder on mine. Since Thorne was driving, Cress just sat shotgun next to him.
"Scar, your thunder thighs are crushing me." Wolf stated. She flipped her hair back in his face in response.

The ride went a little like this:

"Get off my side!"
"I'm not on your side!
"Kai, get off her side."
"I'm not even-"
"Jesus Christ this music is such trash."
"Who put on meatloaf swift?!"
"Scoot over dickwad!"
"I'm literally on the edge!"
"I'm too hot!"
"Hot damn."
"Hahaha. No way sister."

A/N I swear this whole chapter sounds like it was on crack. sorry it took a while to update. I'm literally the laziest person on this planet. Ok I hope you have a great day! Byeeeeee

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