Chapter 2 Thress? Cresswell?

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Thorne had been walking me to science. As we walked by, everyone got quiet and started staring at is. Well, staring at Thorne. All the girls(and some of the guys) swooned as he walked by. He usually passed it off by smiling and giving his signature wink. Today however, he just ignored them.

"What's up with you?" I asked, genuinely concerned.
"What, oh uh nothing I'm good." He replied smiling. I,however, already could tell this was a fake smile. It was the same one he used when trying to be polite with really annoying girls.

Wait. I'm not annoying.

I decided to speak up again. "Do you want me to leave you alone or something?"
He paused in his tracks. Then turned around and looked at me like a deer in headlights. Suddenly, his expression changed into a wicked smile. Without speaking, he dragged me into an empty classroom.
"Thorne! What are you doing?!"

He shushed me, then spoke up with a whisper, "look, I honestly can't believe I'm saying this," he paused. "But I need your advice.."

He looked up at me with hopefull eyes. I saw an expression that is never saw before.
Confused? No

Guilty? No

Awkward? No


I finally pinpointed it. "Thorne....are are you nervous?"
A light pink blush curled around his ears and onto his cheeks. He tried his best to hide it by nodding his head towards the ground. His feet started to shuffle awkwardly. I couldn't help but smirk to myself. It's so rare to see the most popular guy in school flustered.
"Ok,sorry." I didn't mean it at all. I can't pretend to feel bad for him when I'm smirking up a storm. The blush faded away and he took a deep breath.

The words came out so jumbled and fast, I could barely understand him. "What?"
Thorne sighed,"well um I'm not sure if you know her..." He trailed off.
"NO NO tell me!!" My inner fangirl was starting to come out of hiding.
Any other time he would have laughed at how desperate I was acting. But this wasn't just some other time. He shook his head like he was regretting even mentioning this to me.

"Crescent Moom," he started without looking up. "Ever heard of her?"
I didn't know I could smile this big. "OoOooOoooooOOO! the blondie from French class?!"
".......yes?" Thorne replied. It sounded more like a question than an answer.
I paused for a moment.
" So do you like her?""
"I don't know, maybe."
"OK!" He gave up and put both hands in the air, as if surrendering to my bugging.
"Yes! I like her ok?!"
A smile tugged at my lips. I almost laughed at how ironic the situation was. I was always the one getting teased, not the other way around.
Then my smile faded away.
"So why are you so stressed?" I asked.
He shrugged, then replied I'm a low voice. He sounded almost embarrassed.
"I I don't know how to ask her out."
I stood frozen. We still hadn't broke eye contact. "You..." I couldn't find my words.

"You've never had this problem before. I mean, I've lost track of how many girls you've asked out." Thorne looked generally disappointed. I mean, he did say he needed help, and I'm criticizing him.
"Sorry." I finally broke eye contact to look anywhere but his sad face.
"It's've never had this problem before."
"This is different."
"It just is!"
I thought for a moment. "Do you love her?"
"What?" He looked taken back.
"I mean," I could feel a blush crawling into my cheeks. "Why else would you get nervous around Cress but no one else?"
Thorne bit his bottom lip.
"Yeah." He slowly replied, dragging out the words, "yeah, I do."
A teasing smile found it's way onto my face. "Come on." Thorne said, obviously trying to change the subject. "We can't be late."
I winked and walked out the classroom, leaving a flustered Thorne behind me.

I meant to upload this last week but I got caught up watching Torchwood. I just started season 1 and it's freaking awesome! You should totally go watch it ;)

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