Chapter 3 The Question

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Fuck you wolf. Fucking douchebag. I tend to curse when I'm nervous, and believe me, I was super nervous right now. How could wolf leave me?! I need moral support here. Not only am I about to talk to the girl of my dreams, but I also have to face Thorne. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure he's a great guy. A great guy who takes home a different girl each night. He's a stuck up jock, why is he even hanging out with cinder in the first place? I mean-
"Hey Kai!" Shit.
"H-hey cinder." I studdered. "Umm, could I talk to you?
"You already are." Thorne said flatly.
I could practically hear the eye roll in his voice.

"Kai," Cinder had her voice low. "Class is about to start."
"I know. I-I just" I signed. "Do you want to hang out tonight?"
She froze.
"Like..on a date I mean."
We started in awkward silence for a moment. "I mean, only if you want to.." I trailed off. Did I mess up?
"NO!" The practically screamed, but caught herself and cleared her throat. "I mean yes. Yeah, sure." She shuffled a mini step back.
"Oh, well ok. Uh cool." Wow, smooth Kai. Real smooth.

Cinder and I made eye contact and just stared at each other for a little. That is....until stupid Thorne ruined the moment.
"Well," he clapped his hands together, "the sexual tension here is killing me, so I'm gonna go to class. He gave a small smile and turned around.
Cinders eyes went wide. "OMG CRAP I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT CLASS!" She grabbed my upper arm and dragged me into the classroom. "Come on, we'll be late!
We got into Dr.Erlands room a moment after the bell rang. We were the last ones in the classroom, and everyone turned to look at us.

"Kai, Cinder. Dr. Erland looked at us with disapproving eyes. "You two are never late, so I won't count you. Just don't make this a habit." We both nodded quickly. "But I do have to ask, why exactly were you late?"
I was at loss for words.
"They were making out in the hallway." Thorne replied smoothly from the back of the classroom. A couple kids snickered around the room. I just glared at him. If looks could kill, I would have slaughtered him by now.
Dr.Erland did not look happy. "Just take your seats," he said.

Don't need to tell me twice. I practically leaped to my spot on the back of the room.


I slumped into my seat and glared at Thorne. I cannot believe he embarrassed me like that! I mean I just-UGH!! Come in Cin, stay positive. Freaking Kai just asked you out. OMG....Kai just asked me out. I kicked my feet under the desk with excitement.
"Hey, Cindy."
I growled slightly at the nickname before turning to face Thorne. " So you and Kai need to go somewhere right? And I need somewhere for Cress. Not somewhere too awkward but not making out behind the school." He had a point, Thorne wasn't exactly romantic, but I could tell he wanted to do something nice for Cress. However, I knew that look. Thorne had just had another one of his "genius" ideas.
I sighed, then gestured for him to continue.
"Well," he had a wicked look in his eyes that looked a lot like insanity. "we should have a double date."

For once, I actually considered Thorne had a not-terrible idea, as embarrassing as it is, tonight is going to be my first date, ever. Doubling would be nice, and tame enough for Cress.
"Yeah, I guess. Where do you have in mind?"
That insane look returned again. "Kufra."
No. No way. No no no no no no no
Kufra was a small bar downtown. Not only are we only 18, but I've never drank before. Yes, I'm a senior in highschool who's never even touched an alchoholic drink. Lame right? But honestly, I'd prefer to spend my time watching Merlin reruns.

"Thorne." I hissed. "You know I've never drank before."
"Well then I'm taking away your beer virginity.
"Eww. Never say that again."
"Come on pleeeeease?" He batted his eyelashes.
"You know what? Fine, keys go get drunk on the first flippin date!!" I said, little too loudly.
"As, thanks! Your the best!!" He gave me a huge smile before returning to his work.
Obviously he didn't catch the sarcasm. Or maybe he did and he just doesn't care. Im betting on the latter.
~~~time skip after school~~~
I called Kai and told him everything. After apologizing a million times, I finally hung up. He said it was fine, and that's great, but was he being honest? A bar kinda kills the romance.
Thorne texted me too. He said Cress was super excited, considering she'd never been out drinking before. Not how I pictured her reaction, but at least she's happy.

What do you even wear on a date? I totally did not think this through. It's not like a fancy restraunt but I still want to look nice. I wanna be hot but mature. I know how drunks are when they see women in short dresses. Do I even own a dress?
I frantically searched through my closet.

The only dress I owned was a coral pink one with a poofy white bottom. It was from my 9th birthday party and it was the last time I ever wore a dress. I had no choice but to do the impossible.
I was going to raid Perals closet.

A/N oh snap!!!! Sorry that was dumb but hey an updates an update right? And yes yes I know I said I hated to changes POVs in the middle of a chapter but I didn't want another mini one. PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME IF THIS IS GOOD I APPRECIATE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM!!! Send me feedback and ideas for how y'all want this to go or something. I've got ideas for the Peral thing and the bar but after that happens I'm lost. Okkkkkk LOVE U GUYS AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT NIGHT OK BYE

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