Chapter 1 Man Up Kai

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This is it.

I'm going to do I it

I'm going to ask out Linh Cinder

"Come on Kai, don't be such a cabbage head," said a gruff voice from behind me. It wasn't until then that I realized that I was still standing in the middle of the hallway. My legs refused to work. I had been wanting to talk to Cinder since freshman year, but I could never bring myself to man up and ask her out. Now Wolf was getting impatient. Honestly, I don't think he has any room to talk, him and Scarlet are totally in love but he insists she doesn't feel that way. Which is a total lie, their constantly flirting and stealing glances when the other isn't looking. Cress and I have even come up with a ship name for them. Warlet.

I was dragged out of my train of thought when I heard Wolf speak up again. "Hello? Earth to Kai?" He waved his hand in front of my face. "OoOoOOo, were you daydreaming about Cinderrrrrr??" He made the "ER" super long and annoying to embarrass me. Which worked. I blushed and looked down.
"OMG YOU TOTALLY WERE!!" He practically jumped in the air like a 4 year old getting candy.

"Shut up.." I mumbled, blushing worse by the second. Wolf patted my back as we started walking down the halls. All I could hear was jocks screaming and lockers slamming. Finally, Wolf spoke up, "Scarlet said she had science with Cinder, that's where she'll be going next period."
"Dude," I paused, "you memorized Scarlets schedule?" It was Wolfs turn to blush.

We started speed walking down the halls to wait for Cinder by Dr.Erlands science classroom.
*********a few minutes later*********

We soon saw Cinder turn down the hall. Well, she wasn't alone. I couldn't help it, jealousy fired up inside me. It wasn't that she was walking with another guy, it was the fact that this guy was 100000times hotter then me.
However, I could use this as an excuse to chicken out...
"See," I started,"she already has a boyfriend."
Wolf scoffed,"you mean Thorne?"
I shrugged," I don't know maybe the male model over there who's flirting up a storm with Cinder!!"

Wolf didn't seem surprised. "Look Kai, flirting is basically Thornes whole personality. Frankly, I think it's the only thing he knows how to do." My eyes widened and I felt anger bubble up inside me. "Yeah?! Well that stuck up, flirty jock is messing around with the hot, sassy mechanic!"
Wolf totally lost it. A group of people started giving us weird looks because he was laughing so hard. He finally regained his posture and wiped a tear of laughter from his eye.
"Wow Kai, your more obsessed with her than I thought." Wolf nodded his head upward, "and she's almost here."

Sure enough, Cinder and Thorne were standing only a few feet away from us.

A/N yay first chapter!! Please give me feedback on this:) OH and btw the only reason this fanfic is rated Mature is because of language later on. Mostly, I think. I don't really know. I haven't thought that far yet haha

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