Chapter 4 Preporations

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A/N ok so the picture above is my crappy cinder fanart that I used with a stencil. And ignore the hair please. I tried and failed. K thanks umm enjoy!! (The fanart is the outfit that cinder is wearing)


Now Peral and I don't exactly have what you call a "healthy" relationship. It's been years since I've even been in her room. On the bright side, she's not home so I have no way of getting caught. Hopefully...
I started searching through her closet and examining everything. Wow, she's got some weird stuff in here. Barbie dolls, mean girls movies, and...condoms? Seriously Peral, why do you need so many? There's tons of boxes in here. I know closets are sopossed to be messy but...

"Cinder is that you?"

I squeezed my eyes shut. I really reeeeeally didn't want to get busted. God, I'm so screwed.
"Cinder." The voice is now much more stern. "Are you deaf as you are dumb?"
I cringe slightly, then whip around with a giant over the top smile.
"Peral!! I, uh, I thought you went out?!"
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "Well if I was out I wouldn't be here now would I?"

Peral speed walked over to me and placed her hands on her hips. "And what exactly are you doing in my closet?"
"Well, um, you see I-uh." No there was no way I could tell her I had a date. I would never hear the end of it. God I'm terrible at coming up with excuses. Just face in Cin, you can do this.
"I'm going on a date."
Peral didn't look at all amused. "You?" She gestured to me and skimmed my body. "You....have a date?"
What?! She doesn't believe me?
"Yes Peral." I tried to sound as bored and snobby as she does when talking to me. "Your not the only one that has a reputation."
Ok, so maybe that was a slight exaggeration.
More than a slight...
I don't think I have ANY reputation. Not good or bad, so hey basically a nobody. *sobbing internally*
Peral smirked a little with an amused glint in her eyes. "well then," she uncrossed her arms," your sure as hell not gonna go looking like that."
She turned to the closet and started rummaging through the clothes.
"Wait, your actually going to help me?"
"I may not like you sister, but I'm still forced to love you."
I blinked in confusion. "What does that even mean?"
She dismissed my question with the wave of her hand before pulling out a short black skirt. "How about this with a neon tank? OH maybe one of those shirts with only one strap? Ya know, with the sexy shoulder thing?"
I scoffed, "there is no way your getting me into that." I gestured to the mini skirt.
"Come on baby sis, it goes perfectly with your skin tone!"
"'s just plain black."
"Well yeah but it's a nice shade for your tan skin." Man, she is enjoying this way too much.
"Tan?" I literally stay in my room on tumblr all day."
"Maybe your getting a tan from the light on your laptop.
I tried to look for a sign on her face that said she was joking, but found none. Woah. This girl is dumber than I remember. "Look! I'm not wearing the skirt! Okay?"
"I bet your date will think it's hot."
I blushed slightly and looked away. However, I didn't look away fast enough. Peral caught me and immediately jumped into teasing sister mode.
"Speaking of,"she leaned forward. "who is this date of yours?"
I tried my best not to make eye contact. "It's-it's not important."
"Is it a girl?" Peral piped up.
"What? Peral no-"
"Cos I'd totally be cool if it was."
"Peral I'm not-"
"Then tell me your dates name."
"No." I said sternly. It's annoying enough getting interrupted every 5 seconds. Now I'm getting real tired of your shit Peral.
"Then I have every right to assume it's like...i don't know. Scar or something."
"Scarlet?! Peral no Scarlets my best girl friend ok? So no."
"But does Scarlet know him?"
I sighed, "yes."
"Then I'll just ask her who this mystery man is." She slowly pulled out her phone from her back pocket as if she was testing to see what I would do.
"Wait!" I snatched the phone out of her hands. "you can't because um .."
Crap. Remember what I said about being terrible at excuses?
"Because she doesn't know!"
Ok, so it wasn't completely a lie. I mean, I actually forgot to tell her I had a date, but she knows I've been crushing on Kai for a super long time.
"You will get your phone back when I'm about to walk out the door."
She put her hands in the air then said, "fine. But you have to wear the outfit I picked out."
"Deal." We shook hands like in a professional negotiation. Plus, it wasn't that bad. And maybe Perals right, Kais just like any guy and might find it hot. Fingers crossed this won't be embarrassing. I went back into my room to put on the outfit.

~~~time skip to after Cinder puts on the clothes~~~

I awkwardly stepped into Perals room and did a sloppy pose.
"Oh my stars! You are totally rocking that! Actually it looks better on you than it does me. You can keep it."
Not sure when I'm ever going to wear it again but ok. She reached to the back of the closet to grab some shoes for me.
"Not heels"!
"Yeah, yeah, well your not leaving this house in those dirty combat boots."
I let my shoulders sag but didn't object because I knew she was right. The boots were pretty muddy.
"How about some ankle boots?" She called.
"As long as they don't have a heel."
"God, your so demanding."
"No. I'm just physically incapable of walking in heels."
Another reasonnI didn't say aloud was the fact that I don't want to be taller than Kai. I'm only a few inches shorter and I'd like to keep it that way thanks.
As I slipped on the fight boot, I heard the doorbell go off.
Smiling, I thought, wow, this is what it's like to go on a date. Exciting, terrifying, and kind of makes you want to puke.
I put on the other shoe before standing up to go to the door.
"Hold up!" I heard Perals voice from behind me. "Phone.
I quickly handed her the phone and twirled around over to the front door.
"Oh, and thanks... For everything."
Peral gleamed with pride. "No prob. Now go. Would want to keep your man waiting."

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