Epilogue 🏰

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"I am so glad Fred didn't mess this up," George joked, embracing the anxious blonde tightly. "Seriously though, I couldn't imagine anyone better fit to be at his side. I'm so honored that I get to be your brother-in-law." He whispered in her ear. Tears began to well up in both of their eyes, and Ophelia squeezed him tighter.

The second he let go of her, Izzie threw her arms around Ophelia. "Hey now, don't go crying on us. I worked so hard on that make up." She jokingly scolded her, wiping at her own wet eyes. Ophelia laughed with her, mimicking her actions.

"You got this babe," she whispered as the song began. George held his arm out for Izzie, and winked at the bride the second their arms were joined. Izzie looked over to her daughter Macie, and gave her a stern look. "Behave Macie!" Macie giggled back at her, and watched as her parents walked through the doors.

Ophelia kneeled down next to her niece, giving her the weaved basket of flowers. "Just like we practiced, okay baby girl?" Macie smiled up at her brightly, nodding her head up and down happily. "Uh huh! Sprinkle flowers and then go to gramma!" Ophelia smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek.

Macie scrunched up her nose and wiped the kiss off, causing Ophelia to laugh. Ophelia and Macie shared a tight hug before the 5 year old was walking through the door as well, clutching her basket of flowers tightly.

"Ready?" Arthur asked, he was waiting patiently a few steps over for his daughter in law. She spun around on her heels and walked over to him, breathing in deeply. "Yes, I think I am." She whispered, instantly accepting the hug that he gave her.

"You look beautiful, my dear." Arthur smiled down at her, holding his arm out for her to take. Considering she had lost her own father so many years ago, Ophelia had asked him to walk her down the isle today. He accepted immediately, thrilled to be in more than just Genny's future wedding.

Ophelia hooked her arm in his, taking one last deep breath, before exhaling with a large smile. "Let's go make me a Weasley."

Arthur chuckled, "you became a Weasley the day we met you."

A soft melody played in the background as Ophelia walked down the isle. The couple had decided against anything with lyrics, hoping to make the moment as much about them as they possibly could.

Fred had been nervous during the moments leading up to seeing his bride for the first time that evening. He stood, nervously picking as the flower attached to his suit, desperately avoiding eye contact with his already sobbing mother.

Seeing his twin and sister in law walking down the isle was the breath of fresh air he needed. His nerves dissipated the second he caught the wink his brother sent him, and all he was left with was the crushing weight of his own excitement.

George Weasley wore a blush colored tux, in the same shade as his daughter's dress. He had a flower clipped to the front pocket, and looked rather handsome. His wife Isabella wore a sage green dress that flowed out to just above her knees. Her hair was curled and clipped back with a couple flowers.

Next to skip down the isle was little Macie. Her hair was braided, flowers decorating every crevice. Her blush colored dress had layers and layers of tulle, curtesy of Molly Weasley. To top of her look, a flower crown rested on top of her head.

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