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The walk to the sea of dancing students went by fast, but it felt like it lasted an eternity. Groups of girls were huddled up together, laughing as they swayed to the music. Couples were scattered around the area, grinding up against each other or making out on the couches and against various walls.

I turned around, pulling Ophelia flush against my chest. A small gasp left her parted lips as she looked up at me with her pretty blue eyes.

My dick began to harden immediately, my brain playing every scenario that I could possibly look down at her like this. Every thought ended with innocent tears rolling down her cheeks, saliva (and potentially a little bit of cum) dripping down her chin, and her hair roughed up by my hands.

"It's time for lesson number 5, my pretty girl." I spoke, my thumb brushing across her cheek, before I pushed her fallen strands of hair back behind her left ear.

"Now, for starters, grinding isn't suppose to be done in any specific way. You experiment with each partner, and you find out what works best for the both of you." I started, moving my hands along her sides, falling to a rest at her hips.

"To start, you just sway, princess. Move your hips, however feels the most comfortable for you, along to the beat of the music." She bit down on her lip nervously, but allowed my hands to guide her hips side to side, in a motion that matched the music.

Her movements were almost forced at first, and a little awkward. I leaned down to whisper, "relax baby girl, just feel the music." She let out a sigh, her eyes fluttering closed as she let her body finally relax a little.

My hands helped her sway until her movements continued without my help, my hands weighing down her hips instead. I turned her around, letting her face the crowd, her back to me. "That's it baby, let yourself go."

And she did. Before I could even pull her closer, Ophelia was backing up, her ass flush with my front. I let out a soft groan, my eyes shutting as she rubbing her ass against me. My grip on her hips tightened, my own hips straining to not thrust against her.

Her hands went up, framing her hair as she danced against me. Not being able to handle it any longer, I spun her around to face me, pulling her in for a kiss.

My hands roamed her sides, before resting on her ass. Her own hands buried in my hair. I pulled from the kiss and began trailing kisses down the side of her neck.

Ophelia let out a soft moan as I started sucking lightly, I grinned blowly cool air against the newly forming hickey.

I relunctantly pulled away from her when someone wolf whistled from behind us. I spun around to see George and Izzy snickering together. "What." I groaned, glaring at them. Ophelia giggled from behind me, reaching up to kiss my cheek.

"Wanna dance with me?" She asked Izzy, who immediately smiled and nodded happily. The girls ran off together, causing me to turn to George and punch his shoulder.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, holding his shoulder. "What was that for?" I shot him a look and he sheepishly smiled back at me. "Sorry?"

Izzie had officially stolen my date. THREE hours. Ophelia and Izzie have been dancing together for 3 fucking hours. Naturally, I would have intervened by now, but Ophelia was having the time of her life.

The girls were drunk, and beltching lyrics out as loudly as they could manage. I licked my lips as I watched her hips moving, and the way her boobs bounced in her dress.

I groaned annoyed at my thoughts. Ophelia looked amazing out there, and I wasn't standing behind her. The amount of guys I've had to glare at tonight is insane, and I'm not for it.

I want nothing more than to grab her, pull some sweatpants and a sweatshirt over her, and make her sit on my lap for the rest of the night. Or better yet, I'd even prefer to drag her perky little butt back to my room, toss her on my bed, and make her feels things she's never even imagined.

Sadly though, my mother raised a gentleman. And Ophelia is drunk.

"Do something," I groaned out to George, pointing at the girls. "Make your girlfriend leave mine alone." I whined loudly, pouting at my twin.

George coughed on his drink. "Girlfriend?" He stuttered out, "she isn't my girlfriend." I rolled my eyes muttering out a whatever.

Glancing up at the clock, I grinned realizing it was almost time to meet at the Astronomy Tower. I stood up immediately, walking over to Ophelia. She giggled when she saw me, and threw herself into my arms. "Freddie!" She squealed.

Izzie smiled at me, "almost time?" She asked. I nodded back at her before looking down at the girl in my arms.

I smiled down at her, kissing her forehead. "Let's go, pretty girl." I pulled her off the dance floor, and out of the common room.

♡ Not Edited ♡

Author's Note: SUPER SHORT CHAPTER (ONLY 900 WORDS) BUT THE NEXT LESSON STARTS FROM THIS POINT ON. Next chapter should be a bit longer to make up for this one! Next chapter will be a little spicy, but the actual smut starts after that chapter!! (Chapter 10!)

Lessons In Life || Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now