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Author's Note: Technoblade passed away yesterday and I'm distraught, everyone is. Fuck Cancer. Rest in peace Alex, Techno will never die. 💔

P.S. I started this chapter and it took me a good month to even think about continuing it. I'm not entirely sure when I'll even complete it.


The moments that followed Harry's name being called was nothing less than pure chaos. Ron looked pissed, Hermione looked confused, Ginny looked worried, and the twins looked both jealous and intrigued. No doubt wondering how Harry could've entered when even they had previously failed.

Harry and I didn't really know each other all that well, yet I couldn't help but let a tear begin to swell at the thought of him being apart of this. He was just a kid, and I wasn't naive to the dangers that he would likely have to face because of this.

I had every urge to stand up and pull a Katniss Everdeen. I desperately wished that I could take his place, to shield him from harm's way. They would never allow such things, Harry would have to compete.

"Come on, let's head out of here, ya?" Fred whispered in my ear, nudging my nearly bleeding lip away from my nervous chewing. I turned my attention to his face, my frown heavy.

I simply nodded, allowing him to pull me up and lead me away from the Great Hall. I grasped tightly at his hand, trying to silence my over anxious brain.

"What's going through that pretty little head of yours?" Fred questioned the second we were alone, pulling us down on the couch in the Gryffindor common room. I had fallen so deep inside my own thoughts, that I hadn't even realized our arrival.

"He's only 14," I quietly whispered, after a moment of hesitation. "He's the chosen one, Freddie. Did you see his face? He was so shocked, so scared. Why doesn't anyone think it's fishy that his name came out of the fire? Harry, out of all of the possibilities." I ranted lightly, tracing his chest with my finger, Fred's fingers braiding through my hair.

"He'll be okay, baby girl. He's Harry Potter, he beat the dark lord before he even knew how to talk, he can do anything he puts his mind to." Fred whispered back, trying to reassure me.

"But he's only 14, Freddie, why are they allowing him to compete? I don't want him to just be okay, I want him to be happy and safe. Something isn't right, and I don't like this. Something is wrong." I continued, this time meeting silence from Fred. I suppose he was at a loss for words.

We laid like that for a good hour, content with the silence, just basking in each other's company.


"We definitely have to go tonight."

"Well duh, think you can convince her to join you Fred?"

"'Course, shouldn't be a problem."

Whispers woke me up, causing me to frown slightly, and wiggle to try and find a more comfortable position. I was well aware that Fred's chest was under my head, and I was way to sleepy to be concerned even the slightest.

"Oh, looks like she's waking up." One of the voices from before spoke up again, making me groan.

"No, please let me stay and cuddle Freddie." I pleaded, smiling softly when he chuckled, letting his hand drop to run his fingers through my hair.

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