Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: All the characters are made by JK Rowling. Only the idea is mine.

Chapter 1

He growled. He could never have a happy life. All he wanted was a family. Someone who cared for him as a parent. His parents? Gone. His Godfather? Gone. He sighed in frustration. He needed someone!

Suddenly, an idea clicked. What had Dobby said?

"The room of requirement was there to fulfil the seeker's needs" a shrill, squeaky voice said in his head.

He got up and started walking to the portrait hole. He had to go to the 7th floor.

"Harry? You alright? Where are you going?" said a voice from behind him. After all, it was 10 in the night.

He swiftly turned around and said "Oh, uh, Hey Ron! My stomach really hurts so I need to go to the Hospital wing".

"Alright then..." Ron said, still a bit suspicious.

He then kept walking and the moment he stepped out of the portrait hole; he was running. He was hoping, with every fiber of his body, that this would work. That he might meet his family or something! Then, he stopped. This was it.

All I want is to be with my family, all I want is to be with my family, all I want is to be with my family.

And then, he heard rocks moving.

He turned around and saw a strange wooden door, with tiny hourglasses carved on the corners. He stared. Then he carefully pushed the door open, jumping every time it creaked.

He walked in and saw a tiny little hourglass on the tiled floor. He picked it up and stared, observing it. Suddenly, the door creaked shut.

Harry jumped and dropped the hourglass. The white sand started spiralling around him. His surroundings started spinning, and then he was gone.

Thank you for reading. I promise bigger chapters later. This is kinda like an introduction. Review please!

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