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A knock at the door disrupts our blissful escape from the rest of the world.

Groaning, I latch onto Lenora's lean waist and playfully bite the skin pulled tautly over her ribs. She sucks in a breath and I grin up at her.

My heart has never felt so whole. I didn't realize it had a gaping hole to begin with but now I see it—how lifeless my journey was before she interfered.

"I know you're getting your rocks off in there," Denver says through the door, "but we do have things we need to discuss."

Lenora sighs and I feel the weight of responsibility fall back onto her shoulders.

"We'll be out in a second," she replies, not even making an effort to sound happy about it.

Her dazzling sapphire eyes snap down to mine, all cool and complex like two intricate spheres of ice. A smile graces her lips as she brushes the hair from my eyes. Just that little gesture sends my heart into palpitations.

"You're probably hungry, hmm?" she says, glancing at the clock on her nightstand. "It's dinner time now."

I'm almost always hungry but the drama lately has sometimes made me forget to eat. How unfortunate that you wouldn't be able to look at me and even tell.

"I could eat," I acquiesce. "I'd rather chow down on you but Denver will just break in and haul your ass out. I think I could do without that kind of trauma."

Lenora laughs and pushes us up into a sitting position. I automatically tuck the sheet around my bare midsection to hide my extra chunk, which she thankfully doesn't acknowledge.

"Now that you've said it," she says, "I'll make sure we have some time later."

Beaming, I lean up and kiss her. She slides her hands into my hair to hold me still while her tongue toys with the seam of my mouth. Just when I feel myself getting slippery down south, she growls into my teeth and pulls away.

Her eyes are dark and hooded. My heart jumps into my throat as I take in the powerful beauty she emanates.

She could devour me in two seconds but instead, she cradles my jaw and pecks the tip of my nose.

"Let's go before you wrap me around your little pussy again," she grumbles.

I bite my lip to hide the giddy smile. We get out of bed and dress, her in basketball shorts with a tank and me in yoga pants with a baggy tee. I still haven't gotten used to not wearing a bra around everyone but I figure at least the baggy shirt will hide some things.

Lenora waits for me by the door, and once I've joined her, she claims my hand and leads me through the door. The din of conversation from below rises up the staircase. I can't tell if people are excited or worried just from their tone but a weird feeling settles in my stomach.

Denver, Alpha Tara, her Beta Frank, and her mate Chelisse are sitting at the dining table with a small crowd hovering around them. I recognize Caden and Desiree along with a few other wolves I've seen or spoken to in passing.

Their conversation dies the moment Lenora steps into the room. Every eye swivels towards us. I force an awkward smile and see some of the tension melt from their faces.

"Come pop a squat next to me, Luna Emery," Chelisse calls to me. "Let's have a chat."

Everyone moves out of the room except for those sitting at the table. Desiree nudges me on her way out with a soft smile, and her gesture comforts me more than I expect it to.

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