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The air smells sweet like fucking roses as I slip out of the Jeep. I know I have the biggest, stupidest smile on my face.

My mate is home.

I strut to the passenger side and defy her protests for assistance out of the cab. With her short ass legs, it's hard for her to get down without falling. I really need to install step rails.

She gasps as I scoop her from the seat, one hand behind her back and the other under her knees. I place her feet gently on the ground and slowly let go.

"Thank you," she whispers a little breathlessly.

"You're welcome, sweetness."

Color fills her cheeks as she quickly redirects her focus elsewhere.

"I see you don't live alone," she says.

Running her tongue nervously across her lips, she nods toward the yard where Denver is sprawled across a blanket with a book.

"Kind of a big house to live in alone," I tell her, shrugging.

She releases a breath. "Guess so."

After a quick mental debate, I reach over and grab Emery's hand. Her eyes snaps up to mine.

I smile and the gesture is warm, relaxed. The contact between our two bodies feels like what I can only describe as 'home.'

Denver closes his book and stands as we approach. Noticing this, Emery tries to put space between us. I frown down at her but her eyes are trained on my beta.

"Alpha, good evening," he greets with a slight bow.

I clear my throat.

His eyes widen. "I mean, Lenora. Sorry. Got confused there for a second." Scratching his head, he swallows hard.

"Denver," I say, flashing him a razored smile, "this is Emery."

He relaxes a smidge and smiles at the small human beside me. He comes closer and extends a hand toward her. I fight the animalistic impulse to step between them and growl.

"It's an honor to meet you, Emery," he tells her.

She hesitantly glances up at me before placing her palm in his. I nod. Biting back a smile, I observe their interaction.

She's so fucking cute. She's perfect for me. I just want to throw her in my bed and have my way with her mouthwatering curves.

"You too, Denver."

"Well, you two have fun." He winks my way and strides off.

Her grip on my hand loosens. I nudge her with my shoulder and smirk.

"Let me show you the house, yeah?" I say.

When I start towards the pack house, she pulls back on my hand. I turn to her.

"Lenora . . ." Her eyes flit around and she swallows nervously. "What is this place?"

"It's my home."

"Why is it so big? Who is Denver?"

I recognize the nervousness as fear. My stomach plummets. This is too much for her. I thought this would help explain to her who I am, but I'm scaring her instead.

"You're not ready yet," I say. "I'm sorry. I'll take you somewhere else."

She stays rooted in place, though. "I need answers. Please."

I nod. "Of course. Denver is my best friend, my Beta. Second-in-command."

"Second-in-command for what?"

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