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I delay taking the woman her sweet tea for as long as possible.

My stomach has been a turbine of disaster since the moment I laid eyes on her. She's trouble.

Despite knowing this and seeing it with my own eyes, I can't help but gravitate towards all that bad energy.

After bussing two tables and washing a few dishes, I know I've procrastinated enough. I don't want them to think I'm a bad waitress. I can't afford to lose this job.

With a deep breath, I reluctantly take the iced tea to their table. I flash them a smile that I pray doesn't betray my nerves.

"Can I get either of you anything else?" I say. "Your food should be out any minute."

"I have a question, actually," the man says.

My throat tightens. This doesn't mean the question is about me. It could be about anything.

"Sure, go ahead. I'll answer the best I can."

"You're new to Lemley, aren't you?" He states the question, more so than asks it.

I should shut this down. My whereabouts are none of this man's business.

Maybe he's just trying to be friendly, but, after what the woman told Brian, I don't want these people to know anything about me.

Unfortunately, I don't have it in me to do anything but answer with honesty.

"Yes, I've been here for a few weeks now," I tell him, forcing a tiny smile.

Someone else's gaze is burning a hole in my head, though. I instinctively flit my eyes to the raven beauty.

She remains quiet but somehow I sense the gravity of her thoughts. A storm is brewing behind those bright blue eyes.

"Anything other questions?" I ask, looking between them.

"Oh, yes." He hesitates and looks at his companion, who arches a thick black brow in response. "We could ask questions all day, frankly. We're curious about newcomers."

This does not sound good. My heart hammers against my ribs.

My mouth opens to respond, but no sound comes.

I don't want to further this conversation, lest they find a reason to expel me from Lemley. I can't bear the thought of having to go home or start all over again somewhere else.

A breeze rushes behind me, the air feeling down my exposed limbs. Then a hand lands on my arm.

Before I can turn, warm lips brush my ear.

"Their food is ready," Calla whispers. "If you need help, just signal me. Okay? She's looking extra bitchy today."

"Got it," I say, letting out a breath. She has no idea how much anxiety she just spared me from.

"I'll be right back with your food," I tell the pair without looking at either of them in the eye.

As I turn to head toward the kitchen, I swear I hear a faint growling noise. I halt in my tracks. The hair on my arms stands on end.

My eyes slowly slide back toward the table.

The woman is scowling. Then her eyes tick to mine and her face softens. Following her gaze to where it was, I see Calla talking at a table.

"Emery, I think that's all for now," the man says.

I look back just in time to see him reach across the table and grab one of the woman's hands. She hisses and yanks away.

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