In the Doldrums

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Embry came to a stop in the clearing, looking first at Quil and then over at Jacob before huffing slightly and phasing back into his human form, his body drenched in sweat from the rather hard run the three had gone through. He needed to get them out of his head. But even though he could no longer tell what Quil and Jacob were thinking, he could clearly guess at it from the way they were looking at each other.

It was the main thing that had been going through their minds the entire run. Worry. And after a week, it was grating on his nerves.

Going for the run had been Quil's idea, thinking it might get his mind off Freja. But it had somehow made things worse. Now both of his friends knew just how badly he had been taking the break-up - if that's what you could even call it considering they weren't actually together - and he had been forced to live through their thoughts about Claire and Nessie, even though he knew they were trying to hold off. Part of him knew they couldn't help it, but it didn't make it any easier.

What's more, being more connected to his wolf had intensified the pain of Freja's rejection.

Yanking his shorts up and on, Embry then started through the trees, wanting to get away from his two meddlesome best friends. He knew the beach was nearby and he intended to spend the rest of the afternoon alone and sulking as he watched the tide go out. It seemed even nature was on his side with the ocean currently raging from the storm that was brewing, fitting his emotions perfectly.

And there was also the possibility he might see Freja, but Embry didn't dare say that outloud right now or allow himself to hope too hard.

"Embry, come on!" Quil shouted, now running after him.

"Leave me alone," Embry shouted back.

"We don't know that it's over," Quil replied. "You're being too pessimistic!"

"It's over, Quil!" Embry roared, spinning around and advancing towards him. "She won't answer my calls or texts. She wasn't at the shop. I don't even think she's left the house in the last week! She's rejected me, so just... leave me alone. You don't understand what it's like!"

He then turned and started back towards the beach, barely noticing the brisk wind against his bare skin.

"So that's it? You're going to give up just like that?" Jacob shouted at him. "Fine! Go enjoy your pity party!"

Embry stopped, closing his eyes as the pain started to overwhelm him yet again. It had become his constant companion, though usually when he was around the others, he could somewhat manage it. Or at least hide it. It didn't help that he could still feel her. His connection with Freja. It would probably always be there thanks to the imprint, even if she refused to ever see him again.

"I don't think I have a choice," Embry said, his voice strained. "I don't even know what happened... Though according to her... it's not me... But it has to be... I fucked up somehow..."

"Just... maybe give her more time. Maybe she'll come around and... " Jacob stopped. Embry turned to him, his eyebrows raised.

"What? Take me back? After she said that it was a mistake?" he finished for his friend. Jacob sighed and shook his head.

"Maybe she didn't mean it," Quil said. A harsh laugh left Embry's lips.

"Then why would she say it?" Embry asked.

"But we don't know what she meant," Quil continued.

"Exactly! I don't have a goddamn clue what she meant, but it's not like I can just go up and ask her about it now, can I?" Embry shouted. "That's the worst part! She couldn't even tell me why!"

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