Chapter 14

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Harry finally came to the conclusion that planning a wedding was harder than he anticipated. It didn't help that the tabloids were constantly making up bullshit about his engagement with Blaise.

At least they had the place decided and Blaise's mother would make their wedding robes as a small gift. Harry couldn't believe how helpful that woman was.

They had also decided on a small wedding. Well as small as you could have with all the Weasleys invited.

"Draco said he knows this amazing place for the food, we should check it out." Blaise said writing a few ideas down.

Harry looked up from his yet-to-be-graded papers, "we should. Oh and by the way, Neville gave me a few recommendations for the flowers for a bouquet that match our colour palette."

Blaise blinked at him confused, "bouquet at a wedding, is that a muggle tradition?"

"well.. Yeah, usually the bride carries it, I guess it's stupid since we're both men and it would be complicated to figure out who would carry it. I wouldn't mimd carrying it but i you want to it's -" Blaise placed a hand under his chin, Harry hadn't even noticed that his fiance had gotten closer to him.

"it's not stupid and i would love to include it into our wedding. Have both muggle and wizard traditions."  Blaise leaned his forehead against Harry's, "you don't have to be nervous to show me the muggle things you like. I love sharing things with you and learning things about you."

Harry closed his eyes relaxing against Blaise, "i love you so much."

Blaise let go of his chin wrapping his big arms around Harry, "I loved you more. And I promise that our wedding will be perfect."


Harry smoothed out his robes and checked himself out in the mirror. He looked good, merlin was Blaise's mother good.

"Harry," Ron said from the sode of the room, "are you ready?"

Harry let out a shaky breath slowly nodding. Ron chuckled, merlin did he know about the pre-wedding nerves. "can't believe I'm getting married."

"wait till you hear what I have in store for the best man speech."  Ron joked making Harry let out a small laugh. "let's get you to your spot. I'm sure Blaise is waiting there."


Blaise tried to frantically find the cape of his robe. "I told your mother, she says she has a backup." Theo said walking into his room.

"Merlin this can't be happening today. Sweet Salazar I promised everything would be perfect and what do I do? Loose my bloody cape." Blaise mumbled angrily st himself.

"I'm sure Harry won't mind having one less layer to gwt off your body" Theo joked.

Blaise turned bright red, "shut up."

Soon enough his mother csme in with another cape saying multiple things directed at Blaise that he oaid no mind to. Theo however was entertained by every word the woman said.

Draco opened the door without knocking, "hurry your arse up Blaise. Potter is waiting for you."

Theo let out a small laugh before taking care of getting Blaise's mother to her seat. Draco smiled before pulling his friend to the door, "you need to go before Potter becomes frantic and starts looking for you."

Blaise rolled his eyes, they both knew Harry wouldn't do that but Blaise would definitely get anxious if he was in his place.

He spotted Harry first, gods he looked absolutely handsome. He's robes fit him just right hugging and flowing in all the right places. Harry however didn't see him at first, he was busy talking to ron in hushed voices. He only looked up when Ron urged him to.

Blaise felt his heart stop for a moment as Harry looked in awe of him. He didn't even notice when their friends left leaving both soon-to-be-husbands alone.

Harry walked up to him taking his hands in his and smiling brightly, "Merlin look at you." Blaise chuckled kissing Harry's knuckles.  He didn't know how to formulate a coherent sentence so he rested hsi forehead against Harry's casting a spell to let him see inside of Blaise's head. Harry let out a shaky laugh of happiness as he saw how Blaise saw him.

Harry felt his chest swell up with love and warmth as he saw how the love of his life felt.

It slowly came in to an end and Harry felt gentle lips on his forehead making him snap his eyes open. "ready to spend the rest of your life with me?" he asked hopeful.

Blaise traced his cheek softly, "I wouldn't want it any other way."

They walked towards a big door that led to the outside where everyone was waiting for them. Draco greeted them there with a big grin and whispered something into his wand thwn he gave a beautiful bouquet to Harry.

The doors opened, it was time. Harry clutched the flowers to his chest.


The ceremony was beautiful, Harry could hardly wait to finally be a Zabini -Potter like they had talked about. Harry was happy to just take Blaise's last name but Blaise aldo wanted to just tske Harry's do they compromised and hyphenated them.

He looked st the shiny ring on his finger as he waited for the food to arrive. He was sitting next to Blaise at their table, next to his husband. Blaise looked down at him and couldn't help but grin. Harry looked up from the ring to meet his eyes, "I love you."

"I love you too Harry. I love you so much. I can't wait to see whst comes next for us."

"me neither."

They both knew thst no matter what, they could face anything together. Looking back on their life they were happy to had started a fake relationship and they wouldn't change it for the world.

Happy Pride!!!

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