Chapter 5

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The date was great. Blaise let Harry sit chose where he wanted to sit in the booth before sitting down himself. He warned Harry that something had bacon amongnother things before he could order it explaining he had noticed Harry's attitude towards certain foods. After dinner, Harry squeezed Blaise's hands three times before Blaise told Ron and Hermione that he wanted to walk around with Harry for a bit longer. Hermione and Ron shrugged leaving the two alone, Harry just knew they would be expecting for the fake couple to kiss and didn't want to force Blaise to do that. Instead Blaise took him to get some ice cream and they talked for a little longer.

Before dropping Harry off Blaise leaned down to kiss his cheek and then proceeded to nervously excuse himself.

Harry couldn't stop thinking about that.

A week after he found out Ron had invited Blaise to dinner with the Weasley family for Christmas break. Not only that but he also invited Blaise's friends in their constant effort of getting along for their friends' sake.

Blaise had accepted knowing it would be weird if he didn't want to spend time with the person that was supposed to be his boyfriend.

Harry felt conflicted by that. He wanted to have Blaise there but he didn't want to keep lying to his friends.

He was sitting in the shade of the tree when someone else sat down next to him. "Are you alright there Potter?"

Harry looked up, Theo was in front of him. "I guess so."

Theo chuckled, "look I may not know you as well as Blaise or your friends but I can tell something is bothering you."

Harry shook his head dismissively, "it's not really important."

Theo shrugged laying back and relaxing. Moments after he broke the silence again, "you make Blaise really happy by the way. He has never been like this, merlin he even talked about you like you are some unattainable crush."

Harry raised his head again, "h-he does?"

Theo nodded, "I don't quite know if that's a good thing or not though. I'm leaning towards it being a good thing since you just make him act all stupid and in love. The day of your double date he came back blushing and giggling."

"I'm glad the feeling is mutual. Its just that as the... well you know, it's hard to know if someone actually likes you for you and not the title you carry."

Theo nodded sitting up to meet Harry's eyes, "I get it but trust me Blaise does not care about that. He's worse than when Draco had a crush on you, he thinks he can hide it but we're his best friends." Theo looked at his watch, "uh as much as I would love to stay here and chat I really have to go. Promised Draco to meet him in the library."

Harry waved at Theo goodbye, "bye."

Theo gave him one last soft smile before standing up and leaving. Harry felt his chest bubble with happiness, Blaise spoke about him thst way to his friends? He should talk to him then, tell him how he feels and hope for the best.

He quickly raised to his dorm to grab the map and see where Blaise was. When he saw he was in the astronomy tower alone Harry wasted no time in getting up there.

"Blaise." Harry said breathlessly, he had been running like his life depended on it.

Blaise gave him an odd look, "you know what I'm not going to question you just finding me again. Hi."

Harry chuckled, "we can talk about thst another time. I just uh came here for something else."

Blaise held out his hand which Harry took and sat down next to him. "You don't have to be nervous around me Harry."

Harry nodded taking a deep breath. "I was talking to Theo and we talked about you. How you talk about me and all and I just wanted to let you know that I also feel the same way about you. I also want to stop lying to our friends."

Blaise swallowed hard, "so do we tell them this is all fake?"

Harry shook his head, "no, no. I want to try this, for real this time." Harry met Blaise's soft eyes, "do you want to maybe be my boyfriend?"

Blaise could hardly contain his excitement, "Merlin yes!"

They both let out shaky laughs looking into each other's eyes. Sure they couldn't say anything to their friends but they finally had the understanding that they were in fact a couple. "Harry but this doesn't mean you stop telling me when something makes you uncomfortable. We still need to have this type of communication."

"I understand that Blaise and please, if you also ever feel like thst tell me. I really really like you and would hate to make you feel bad."

Blaise nodded. Harry smiled pulling Blaise in for a hug sighing happily. Blaise smiled wrapping his arms around the other boy. They held each other for a bit before Harry let go of him, "well since we're now actually dating would you maybe like to go on a date with me this Saturday? Just us."

Blaise grabbed Harry's hand with both of his hands, "like I said before, I would be honoured to go on a date with you Harry."


Blaise went back to his common room after talking to Harry. He wanted to stay with him longer but they had a curfew to follow.

Pansy ran up to him as he was walking back. She had been in detention for punching someone that was bothering Daphne.

"you look awfully happy." Pansy noted with a playful smile as she bumbrd into him.

Blaise chuckled nodding, "I am, I was just with Harry."

Pansy wiggled her eyebrows, "doing what?"

"just talking. Hugging. Being with him. He asked me out in a date, just us two this time."

Pansy squealed knowing Blaise was beyond excited for that date. "are you going to finally kiss him?"

Blaise flushed in the realization thst he could actually now kiss Harry, with his concent of course. "I might if he's comfortable with it in the moment. Are you going to sneak out of your own dorm to go sleep with Daphne?"

Pansy nodded, "wish we could sleep with Theo as well but rules."

"at least during the break you get to be with him as well." Blaise reminded her.

Pansy nodded. "oh are you nervous about meeting the Weasleys? I know I would if I were dating Potter. Specially since this year is the first time we've ever given gryffindors a chance."

Pansy's words struck fear into his heart. Pansy bit her lip, "but I'm sure they'll love you and you'll have us there. Besides you already have the approval of 2 Weasleys so it can't be that hard. You should also take Harry to meet your mother. I'm sure she'll love to meet the person she was hoping would win the war. "

" I'll talk to him about it. "

"Good, I wish you the best if luck with that."

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