19. Territorial Fae Females

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Edrisa waltzed in, straight past Nicodemus and me. I gave a low growl as she stalked closer to Evaris. Nicodemus put a hand on my arm when Edrisa perched on Evaris' lap. She pushed him against the piano, the keys making discordant noises. He started to stammer a bit, trying to push her away. She shushed him and once she was satisfied he was quiet, she started undoing the buttons on his shirt. 

Rage flared inside of me. I released an animalistic snarl as my wings and tail burst out of my back. Edrisa whirled around to face me, her eyes wide. I shook Nicodemus off and crossed the room to tower over Edrisa. My lip curled back over my teeth in a dangerous grin. "Get away from my mate," I growled as I yanked her out of Evaris' lap, flinging her across the room. My Fae and Draelic strength combined made me stronger than she could ever wish to be. She crashed into the wall, sliding down and crumpling to the ground in a heap. A few paintings clattered to the ground from the force of her hitting the wall.

I stared down at her still body. Her honey-coloured hair was spread out behind her and her skirts twisted around her legs. Her arm was twisted at an unnatural angle and a small cut was oozing blood out of her hairline. Nicodemus dropped onto his haunches next to her, a hand at her neck. "She's alive," he declared before disappearing. I assumed he took her to the infirmary. 

I stared at the wall, letting what I had just done sink in. Almost killed her. Although she had tried to force herself upon my mate. I felt no remorse for what I had done. 

A hand touched my shoulder lightly and I felt my body tense immediately. "Iowyn," Evaris said softly. I relaxed a bit, unconsciously leaning into his touch. "She was going to-" I fussed before he cut me off. "I know. I wouldn't have let it get that far." His knuckles kneaded my neck. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself. It didn't work. 

I fixed my glare on the cracks in the stone. Turns out I was more territorial than the Fae males I liked to laugh at. I barked an awkward laugh as Jassin appeared in a cloud of silvery mist. "I-I tried to stop her, Ev! But she just barged straight past me and said she wanted to see you and I don't want Iowyn to kill her and- Oh." He quit his rambling when he saw me, his eyes wide at the fury in mine. He took in my wild appearance and ran a hand through his silver hair. He turned around, sniffing the air delicately. "This is exactly what I was hoping to avoid! But no!" He threw his hands in the air. "Why listen to the 'child'?! 'Out of my way, child! Evaris is waiting!'" He mimicked Edrisa in a surprisingly accurate representation. "This is why you listen to the 'child,' you whore," he spat at the place where Edrisa previously was before flopping into an armchair. He gave me a nod of approval and looked at Evaris. "Min's going to have a field day. And Nicodemus will have a lot of explaining to do as the Darkworld's emissary to Arcana. He could tell them she should've listened to the 'child'. That could be Arcana's new motto. 'Listen to the child.'" He rolled his eyes and rubbed his temples. 

I laughed. I had always liked Jassin. He had a certain charm around him. As one of the Darkworld's public relations officials, he had to be charming. And his talkativeness was all part of the charm. If Minuvae didn't scare off all of the females, he'd have them lined up outside the palace's gates.

But he was just as angry as I was, maybe even angrier, if his outburst was anything to go by. At least he didn't throw her at a wall like a doll. There were going to be serious repercussions. 

Evaris guided me over to the sofa and sat me down. "That won't happen again," he murmured, sitting down next to me. "I'm sorry." 
"You didn't do anything. I'm the one who should be sorry. But I'm not," I added as I glanced at the mess. "I know you're not," he chuckled, rubbing my shoulder. 

A fire-message floated through the air and Jassin caught it. He quickly read over it. "Min said Edrisa's awake." He looked directly at me. "And wants to see you."
"Absolutely not," Evaris snarled. "She's not coming anywhere near you. She'll kill you."
"Need I remind you that I nearly killed her?" Besides, now that I'm Queen, she can't touch me." I grinned at him. "Or she'll have a price on her head. And I doubt she wants that."

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