18. The Crowning

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I stared at myself in the mirror. A long, off-the-shoulder black dress hugged my body. Red lace sat atop it. The dress displayed the tattoos that ran down my arm and give Evaris easy access to my collarbone for my new tattoo. It started to flare out at the knee with ruffles and tulle adding volume. It didn't have a back, so my wings and tail wouldn't rip it. Morlay had just finished pinning up my hair and lining my eyes with kohl. I eyed up the pair of heeled shoes next to the mirror warily. I was sure I'd trip and fall during the ceremony. 

The Crowning was something I had been anxiously awaiting for a few days now, which was the amount of time it had taken Minuvae, Jassin and Evaris to get everything planned. I was still wary about becoming Queen, but they were convinced I'd do a great job. That was something I wasn't so sure about. My hot-headedness wouldn't make me as temper-neutral as they seemed to think I would be. 'It's not like how you think it is,' Evaris had said over dinner a few nights ago. 'You might get frustrated with the lords and ladies, but that's about it.' 

I mulled over his words. I doubted that's all I'd get 'frustrated' with. If I had to deal with Edrisa, it would end up sending me over the edge. Just thinking about her and what she's done makes my blood boil. If she ever set foot in the Darworld again, I might just have her killed. I sighed. I supposed I couldn't do that. Wouldn't want Arcana to put prices on our heads. But it's not like they can get to us here. I chuckled as I stepped into my shoes. 

"You look delightful," Evaris said, appearing behind me in the mirror. We were in his rooms at the palace in the Darkworld, getting ready for the ceremony. His hair was smoothed back with that crown made of bone and gold and obsidian resting on it. He had a red dress shirt on, with a black tunic that had decorative gold stitching on the lapels. 

I was so nervous I was barely able to muster up a smile at his praise. "Just your vows and then the tattoos. That's all that's going to happen," he soothed, sensing my nerves. He nuzzled my neck. "Over and done within ten minutes." Those ten minutes will be the longest ten minutes of my life. I nodded then turned away, straightening things on the dresser. His closet was massive. I was pretty sure he had magically enlarged it when I moved in. I gave a soft laugh at the thought.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him catch a fire-message, the blue flames flickering when he caught it. "It's time," he grinned. I bit my lip and stepped out to where he was. "You'll do great. Don't worry. I'll be there the whole time."

I searched around for something to stall the ceremony. "It's a bit backwards I'm becoming Queen before we're married," I chuckled awkwardly. 
"If you haven't noticed," he laughed as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "We're a bit backwards here in the Darkworld." A contemplative expression came over his face as we left our rooms. "Do you want to get married?" He asked, looking down at me.

We turned down another corridor. Every step we took brought me closer to sealing my fate. We entered another corridor before I answered. "That would be nice. If we survive this war." He watched me for a moment then linked our arms together. "Do you want to get married?" I asked him.

We stopped outside a large set of obsidian dors. The Fae guards that were positioned there bowed when we stopped in front of them, then went back to staring straight ahead with blank expressions. Evaris looked down at me, a soft smile on his face. "Of course." He stooped to press a kiss to my hair. "Remember, just your vows, the quick slit and I'll put your tattoos onto you. You'll be fine. And we'll continue this conversation later," he promised as he disappeared in a puff of black smoke. 

I turned to face the door, twisting my hands nervously. I stared up at the doors, the enormity of them dwarfing me. "Ready?" A guard asked me. I nodded and let my hands drop to my side. I lifted my chin and held my head high as they started to push the doors open. I was about to become the most powerful woman in the Darkworld. A little crowd can't scare me anymore. 

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