16. Draelic Transformations (Part 1)

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"Lasthbur hasn't reached Arcana yet," Evaris said as his eyes skimmed over the piece of parchment he was holding. Small green flames smouldered at the edges. He tossed the page into the air and it disappeared in a puff of black smoke. "It's already been a week." He rubbed the bridge of his nose wearily.

I tucked my feet up under me and nibbled on the corner of the pastry I was holding. "Even though I warm her bed, Edrisa's still not telling me anything," he sighed. Jealousy flashed through me. How dare Edrisa blackmail him into sleeping with her in his own home. Witch. He took a delicate sniff, smelling the jealousy brewing under my skin. "Don't worry, Wyn," he laughed. "I'm tempted to kick her out." I nodded as he took a deep draught of the honey-coloured alcohol in the glass he held. After the events he's spent the past 45 minutes telling me about, I was tempted to pour one for myself. Or storm into the Darkworld and give Edrsia a piece of my mind. 

This was the first time in three days that Evaris had been able to get away from the Darkworld. He had sent me various fire-messages to keep me updated and send his apologies. Edrisa had become increasingly closer to stumbling upon my discovery, which would've ended badly for everyone involved. 

After her unannounced arrival two weeks ago, she had been making a pointed effort to involve herself in the Darkworld's affairs. Going to meetings, becoming friendly, almost too friendly with the Draelic lords, being at Evaris' shoulder when he's holding court. Worming her way into things that don't involve her. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "She's got to leave soon, I grumbled, staring at him. He stood up and walked to the other side of the parlour, straightening the ornaments atop the mantel. "Soon," he promised. 

Minuvae appeared in the centre of the room, dark blue mist surrounding her. She waved it away and flopped on the sofa next to me, flicking her hair out of her face. She gave Ev a pointed look. "Edrisa wants you." He rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh. 
"What for now?" Minuvae wiggled her eyebrows at him. "Oh stars save me," he muttered. "I'm sorry, Wyn. It'll all be over soon." He ruffled my hair as he walked behind the sofa. "I might be back soon," he said as he glanced at the clock on the mantel. I smiled and gave him a half-hearted wave as he disappeared. 

"How are you two?" Minuvae asked as she plucked a pastry from the plate on the coffee table. She sat back on the cushions and looked at me expectantly. "We're... alright." I tucked my knees up under my chin. "Our relationship is healing." Her eyes lit up. 
"Whenever he gets back from visiting you, all he can talk about is you. How you've been improving even more in your magic, what you're doing to pass the time, how amazing you are... You get the point. He just gushes on and on about you." I flushed, feeling the heat creep up my cheeks. "What about Edrisa? Isn't she always around?" She waved a hand dismissively. "When she's not forcing herself upon us, she's holed up in a study she had set up for herself. Quite rude, actually," she tittered. "But... that's actually what I came here to talk to you about."
"Hmmm?" I raised my eyebrows, staring out at the room.
"She's planning to, erm... You know." Minuvae squirmed a little in her seat.
"I don't know." 
"It's bad. Bad bad."
"What could be worse than using Ev as a toy?" I spat. 
"Taking the throne, perhaps?" Her voice steadily increased in pitch. 
"What?!" I sat up straight in surprise. "I knew we were suspecting her of doing that, but I didn't think she would actually do it! How do you know?" I growled, my fist clenching the cushion I was clutching to my chest. 
"I overheard her talking to one of the maids she brought along. She's damn sure she's going to do it, too." Minuvae and I exchanged dark glares.

"We have to stop her," I hissed. 
"That's what I came here for. Jas and I can't do anything in the war, since we'll only be temporary stand-ins. Someone has to actually go through with the Crowning. And seeing as you and Ev are mates..." She trailed off and shoved the rest of her pastry into her mouth. 
"What?" My eyebrows shot up. "Me? I can't do it, I know nothing about being a queen! I've only just turned seventeen, and-"
She cuts me off. "When was your birthday?" 
"A few days ago, but that's beside the point. You all have been under so much pressure with Arcana and everything so I didn't tell you."

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