8. Truths Untold

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Evaris' POV:

I strode down the corridors of the palace in the Darkworld. The maids I passed swept into deep curtseys. I waved my hand agitatedly. "Yes, where's my sister?"
"She's in another one of her moods, Your Highness." The maid looked down at her feet when she spoke to me. I sighed. This day just kept getting worse and worse. "Alright. Thank you."

Annoyed, I carried on. Every room of the palace was lavishly decorated by my mother. My dead mother. I caught sight of myself in a gilded mirror hanging on the wall. My tattoos were glowing a bright red, my ears elongated, my pupils were slits and my wings were tucked neatly together behind me. I flicked my tail. I calmed my thoughts and watched my demon half morph into my back. My tattoos returned to being black, my pupils widened and my ears shrank. I waved my hand and my travel clothes turned into a simple but formal outfit. I felt a weight appear on my head. My bone and obsidian crown were now resting on it. I glowered at my reflection and turned away from the mirror.

I turned the corner and bumped into a silver-haired figure. I looked down at them and my brother peered up at me. "Evaris!" He grinned in delight and wrapped his arms around my waist. I ruffled his silver hair. "Hey, Jassin. Where's Minuvae?"
His expression turned dark as he pulled back. "She's in a mood again... A bad one, this time. She's been throwing stuff for the past ten minutes."
I sighed. It's never a good sign when she's throwing things. "What's she throwing?"
"Ornaments, cups, plates. Whatever's breakable in her rooms."

I followed Jassin as he chattered away about all that had happened when I was gone. People were banned from the Darkworld, the Fae Queen offered an alliance and ten new arrivals. Every week. It was rare to get two a week, let alone ten. It was unheard of. And Edrisa wanting an alliance? I snorted. "What'd she want an alliance for?"
"No idea. Said she wanted to speak with you directly. I told her you'd send her a message when you got back. Oh, and there's been at least ten demons summoned to the Overworld this week." Jassin stopped outside the doors to Minuvae's rooms, where yells of rage could be heard. A glass shattered. "I'd better be going," he said quickly, a frightened expression on his face, before turning on his heel and scurrying back down the corridor.

I gave a sharp rap on the door and silence ensued. The door creaked open and Minuvae appeared, her dark blue hair mussed and a scowl plastered on her face. Her wings were flared and her tail flicked agitatedly. "What?" she demanded, looking me over. 
I arched a brow. "May I come in?"
"I suppose..." Her voice was a little hoarse. She held the door wider and I stepped through. Her sofas were covered in shards of glass. A stone bust lay in fragments on the floor. I stepped around it and waved my hand. The room righted itself. "Do I dare ask what happened this time?"
She shook her head. The tattoos on her arm faded from blue to silver as her wings and tail faded into her back. "Did Jas tell you what happened while you were gone?"
"He didn't go into much detail."
"Edrisa was asking after you. She wants to ally with us." Minuvae ran her hands through her hair and flopped on the sofa, her dress billowing out around her. "But she refused to talk to anyone else about it. Didn't want to go to the council. She wants you, E. Jas said you'd send her a message when you got back." She bit her lip worriedly. "Is it happening?"
"Lasthbur's not doing anything if they know what's good for them."

Minuvae nodded and handed me a pot of ink and parchment. I took it from her and scrawled out a message. Queen Edrisa, when would you like to meet again? My deepest apologies for being away when you last called. I'll be here when you come again. Evaris Tierden.

I flicked the parchment away from me and it was engulfed in black flames. Minuvae and I watched it burn away in silence. "Is she going to answer?"
"Soon." It'll be within the hour if she wants to talk about what we're assuming. I turned to look at my sister. She smoothed her hair down. "Do you want to talk about it?" She shook her head again. "Jassin told me about the new arrivals. About ten each week?"
"Seven the first week you were gone, ten the next, nine last week and then eight over the past three days." Minuvae ticked it off on her fingers, staring up at the ceiling. "Where're they all coming from? Is there a war going on and that's why Edrisa wants an alliance?"

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