14. The Ruins

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Its silver scales shimmered in the weak sunlight, the dusk reflected a thousand times. It was curled up like a cat, its tail flicking gently from side to side. A small wisp of smoke unfurled from both nostrils. Its wings were tucked neatly into its side.

The dragon wasn't big, but it wasn't small, either. But it was big enough to block the way through the crumbling archway we needed to go through. It snorted a bit in its sleep and I jumped back. Nicodemus laughed softly at my timidness. "Don't worry," he laughed. "She won't hurt you, she's only a baby." I didn't respond. I eyed up the dragon, still wary.
"How're we getting around?" I asked. "Magic?"
Nicodemus shook his head. "No magic here."
"Oh." I had gotten used to using magic in my day-to-day life and it was now odd without it.
"We're going to have to wait for her to move, I guess. Unless you want to try and fit through that hole. But you'd be on your own from there."
"Oh, then I'll-"
"You don't have to go in alone. We can wait for her." I raised my chin. I wasn't human anymore. I was practically invincible, now that I was Fae. And I wasn't going to let Nicodemus protect me like Evaris. I may not be able to use magic while I was in there, but I knew how to wield a sword.

"I'll go," I growled, pulling extra daggers out of the bag. Turning away from him, I tucked them into my clothes. The hole swallowed the dusk. Tentatively, I stepped towards it. "You don't have to do it."
"I'm doing it." I stepped closer and closer and climbed the rubble up to it, sticking my head through to peer through the darkness. "You'll need this." Nicodemus handed me the torch, which was lit again. I took it from him and held it above my head, taking a quick look around.

"I'll see you soon," I said as I dropped down into the darkness, the torch flame lighting my way. Rubble and scree scattered, bouncing along with me as I skidded down a slope. I landed on my feet and held the torch high above my head. It barely did anything to penetrate the darkness. The tunnel stretched ahead of me, and the chill sunk its claws into my bones. Shivering, I pulled a long dagger out of the depths of my cloak and started down the tunnel.

The first thing I noticed was the whispers. They didn't have a specific place of origin, they just were. I couldn't decipher what was being said, but they gave me an ill and eerie feeling. Stones and bones were everywhere. It seemed like every step I took I tripped over something. I stopped and looked around me. The bones that were closest to me looked suspiciously human-like. A skull was resting atop a pile of rubble. I started to walk faster. Whatever was in here clearly didn't like visitors.

The further and further I went, the louder and louder the whispers got. I gripped the handle of my dagger tighter as shivers ran down my spine. My steps kicked up dust and echoed off the walls. It seemed like these ruins hadn't been disturbed in years. I coughed and it echoed around and around me a thousand times.

The tunnel grew darker around me and the torch flickered. I shivered, partially from the cold, but partially from something more sinister. The whispers grew louder around me. I turned the corner, my torch raised high, and then all was silent as I stared at the crystal hovering over a stone altar. The torch's flames flickered across the smooth surface, bits of light fracturing off of it and specks of light bounced around the walls.

I stared at the crystal in wonder. It had captured my attention and held it in an iron-tight grip. I was completely focused on it and felt myself being drawn to it. I stepped closer and closer, utterly transfixed by the pure, raw power radiating from it. My fingers stretched out, brushing against the cool surface. I picked it up and cradled it in the palm of my hand.

The whispers stopped as soon as I took it from the altar. The silence rang loud, louder than any noise could possibly be. I could decipher the words, and what I heard was scarring.

"It's your fault Fendwyr's dead."
"You could've stopped it."
"Evaris should be dead."
"You should be dead."
"They never should have trusted you to do this."
'You're a disappointment."
"Why have you been made immortal?"
"It's her punishment."
"You don't deserve a mate."
"You don't deserve Nicodemus."
"How are you still alive?"
"It's a surprise you've made it this far."

These whispers circled around me. I glanced around wildly, looking for their source. I couldn't see anything but I felt a chill and a prickling sensation on the back of my neck like I was being watched. I clutched the crystal to my chest and ran out of the other side of the cavern. 

As I ran, they got louder and louder and more and more vicious. I dropped the torch and clutched my ears, but that only seemed to aggravate the voices more. I eventually became overwhelmed by the voices. I dropped to my knees, tears pouring down my cheeks. 

"The demons aren't the monsters. They didn't tear the world apart."
"You did."
"I-I didn't do a-anything," I sobbed, crouching in the dust, my fingers digging into the dirt.
"You let him live."
"You should've killed him."
"You failed Fendwyr. And look where that got him."
"I d-didn't think-"
"No, you don't think."

I pressed my back against the cold, hard wall. The crystal lay discarded a few feet away from me, next to the torch. The flames had spread, creeping closer to me, growing taller and taller. Smoke circled above my head as I buried my face in my hands, streaking dirt and dust down my face. 'I deserve this,' was all I thought before I closed my eyes to succumb to my fiery death.

A/N: Hey! I'm super sorry this is a really short chapter, and sorry for it taking so long to get out. I've been trying to get back into a steady writing routine again, but I've been struggling to make the time lately. But I had a burst of motivation for a possible scene in the future, so here's a bit of the scene. Thank you so much for reading, it really means a lot! :)

"Evaris, hand yourself over." Edrisa's voice echoed around the burning battlefield. All was still except for the crackle of flames. "Hand yourself over and no one shall be hurt." Edrisa stood gleefully next to the King of Lasthbur, who had Evaris' crown resting on his head. Evaris started to step forward, but I grabbed his wrist and shook my head. Everything had been taken from us. Our home, our rule, our family. Trust. Love. I wasn't going to let my mate be taken from me now.

"What did he offer you?" I called across the scorched and bloodied grass. "Riches? Power?" Evaris and Nicodemus gave me a cautious glance, which I ignored. "We have it all. You already had what he offered you, I'm guessing. I waved my hand and mounds of gold and jewels appeared on the ground in front of me. "Power?" I repeated. "You already had it. You ruled the biggest nation of Fae. You were their queen for centuries. Still could be." I shrugged nonchalantly. "But you gave it up for him. What did he give you?"
Edrisa laughed. "The Darkworld. That's what he offered me. Once I had Evaris, I'd have the Darkworld. Take his life, take the Darkworld."
"Then why's he wearing the crown?"

A/N: I just re-read this, and this new publish was editing the part above, I didn't realise that there were so many mistakes, sorry lol

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