part 17

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Tommy had never truly given someone something before, not without them rejecting it immediately, so when Wilbur took it, he was a bit surprised. He watched a he examined the wood so carefully, he knew it wouldn't splinter or break, it was hard oak, and he had made it to were the surface was smooth enough, that it would never do so. He didn't expect the prince to accept the gift, though he had put a lot of time and effort into it, especially having to steal a knife to finish it.

"Its .. Alright if you don't want it" he said, a bit of fear that Wilbur didn't want it had hit, though he trusted him, it still found its way in. From the talking he was doing, his voice had began to become a but more clear. Showing it wasn't to long ago, that he had gone silent. "I just wanted to repay you" the debt, he told himself he'd repay no matter what that day they met, was one he didn't know how to repay. This would be the first of many things he would do to show his thankfulness to Wilbur.

Wilbur felt a smile grace his features at the confirmation, looking back down at the carved wood. This would likely become one of his most prized and cherished possessions, if he was being honest to himself. Never before had he gotten a gift that someone had actually made for him. Not with their own hands. Never before had a gift meant as much as this one did, not since he was little anyways. Although, he also hadn’t had a true friend he could see frequently since he was little either. He could see Jack and Nikki when he went to town, but Tommy was his only true friend inside the castle walls.

He glanced towards Tommy, frowning a small bit. “You don’t have to repay me… I should really be repaying you right now.” He chuckled humourlessly, quirking his lips up in the ghost of a smile. “You save my life. Besides, if your trying to repay me for… I dunno, hiring you, then don’t worry about that. Your by far one of the best workers around the castle. And your my friend.” He smiled towards Tommy, “But,” he looked back down to the carving with a warm gaze, “the gift is very appreciated. Thank you, Tommy.” His voice grew soft again, emotions clear and raw in the way he spoke.

Tommy felt his heart want to break, not from anger or sadness. But from joy, from hearing Wilbur say the words he never thought he'd get to hear again. The last time, anyone had called him a friend, was Tubbo. When they were nine was the time he heard the words for the first time. When he was told he was the best friend the brunette boy could ever have. Since then, no-one dared say it to him.

He was glad Wilbur liked the gift, though to him it was simple he could see Him loving it dearly. And it made him happy.

Sitting on the bed, with his arm bandaged up, he couldn't really stay still, as his hands constantly moved about, wether shaking or his fingers tapping the bedsheets. There wasn't anything wrong, he wasn't stressed nor upset. He just wasn't used to this, to be talking so calmly with another. It felt awkward to him, to sit there and do it after so long. To not work or be doing something that requires him to be silent. His eyes remained in a calmed state as he smiled to Wilbur gently. He was tired, but Tommy didn't really want to sleep while Wilbur was there.

Wilbur smiled, moving to sit back next to the boy with the wood block in his lap. He fidgeted with it a small bit, turning it around to look at every single angle and dip of the wood. He was careful with it, however, still treating it like splintered glass despite it being anything but. It was a precious gift, and he wouldn’t be sure what to do with himself if something bad happened to it.

He glanced towards Tommy, smile never leaving his face as he looked towards his friend. “Thank you, again. I- you have no idea how much this means to me. Truly.” He murmured gently, before turning his attention back to the cube. A few minutes passed before Wilbur carefully stood, ruffling Tommy’s hair. “I’ll go get you some tea so you can rest. I’m going to be the one taking care of you until you get healed.” He grinned, before heading out of the room with a slight skip to his step. Wilbur was determined now to make something for Tommy, even if it was only some warm tea.

He set the block on his bedside table gently, before going down to the kitchen to start up a pot of nice chamomile tea. He got it ready, allowing the tea pot to boil over the fire as he got a mug and teabag ready. He prepared it and strode back to Tommy’s room to gently set it on his bedside table with a smile so warm it rivaled the tea in the mug. “There you go! It’s probably pretty hot, I’d give it a minute to cool off.” He warned gently.

Tommy was sure the gift would be repaid out of kindness but he never really could ask for that. He just wanted to see him smiling and he got his wish. That's all he wanted, was to see Wilbur's kind warm smile. He remained silent as the prince spoke, and took his leave to the kitchen. He had made himself stay awake, despite the over whelming urge to just sleep, the pain and tiredness had caught up to him.

When Wilbur came back, tommy had laid down and smiled when he saw him, as he sat partially up to take the tea and drink it.  He set it down carefully and sighed as he looked to the prince with thankful eyes, thankful he would be so willing to personally help someone of his status.

Part of tommy began to feel like this was his home, and Wilbur was his family. He didn't know much about having a family anymore. As he sipped the tea, he noted he probably should of let it cool down before drinking it, but he didn't care at this point. It was fine as it was, A nice hot drink before sleeping.

"Thank you" he whispered before laying back down and closing his eyes, his breathing went to a shallow yet stable beat, as he fell asleep quickly and peacefully.

Wilbur sat down in a nearby chair, smiling at Tommy. He was glad the boy was finally relaxing and getting some rest after what a had happened. It had been stressful, and Tommy was injured now. He needed rest. Wilbur would make sure he healed before trying to do anything else. He was glad he had gotten the other some tea, since that may lull him to sleep and also just generally relax him. “Let me know if you need anything else, alright? Take it easy until it heals.” He said, a smile stuck to his face.

He nods, ruffling Tommy’s hair gently. “No problem. Get some rest, toms.“ he said, before heading out of the room to allow Tommy some time to rest. He could get some paper work done in the meantime, or go out in the garden. He settled on the latter, going out in the garden and sitting under the big willow tree half- surrounded by soft white roses. He smiles, closing his eyes as the sun beams down on him. It was relatively relaxing now.

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