☀︎︎ Chapter 15 ☀︎︎

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A groan escaped Juliette's lips as she shifted under Draco's tight grip. She tried to remove his hands from around her waist gently but he just gripped onto her tighter and adjusted himself to be more comfortable.

A sigh escaped her lips as she turned around to face him, her lips mouth gaped open as she watched his sleeping face.

There was no way of explaining how beautiful he looked with the sun shining a portion of his face. Her eyes stayed glued to him, his eyes fluttering open with a small smirk on plastered on his face.

Redness covered her cheeks as she internally cursed herself for getting caught watching him. He just chuckled and brought her closer to his chest, not letting her breathe properly. She let out a muffled giggle and moved her head slightly, kissing the back of his ear softly.

She felt him shiver under her touch making her smirk in triumph and kiss the same spot again. He growled lowly and flipped them over with him on top of her.

A gasp left her lips as he pinned her hands on top of her head. He suddenly laid his whole body on top of her and rested his head on her stomach and under her shirt, a groan escaping her lips as his weight crushed her.

"Draco", she exclaimed as he just mumbled a 'what' into her bare skin, the warmth of his breath hitting her bare skin, "You're crushing me and I have to pee." He just rubbed his cheek against her soft stomach and exhaled deeply, his head sinking into her.

Watching him with a small smile rising on her face she suddenly rolled her eyes playfully and said the words that knew would wake him up, "I'm literally going to pee on your bed if you don't get up."

In a blink of an eye he was getting of her quickly and laying next to her. Her giggle filled the room as he covered his face from the sun with his forearm, a small smile on his face, "Go before I throw myself on you again."

She got up and sprinted towards the bathroom to do her business. Five minutes passed and she walked out of the bathroom with a spare toothbrush he got for her hanging out of her mouth.

The sound of the brush scrubbing her teeth filed the room making him get up with a grunt and walk right pass her. She entered the bathroom once again and watched as he grabbed his toothbrush and dribbled some toothpaste on it.

Her eyes unconsciously traveled down his naked chest as she took in his soft, sculpted chest. She snapped out of her daze and bent down to spit out the toothpaste, her hand trying to gather all her hair with one hand.

Slapping her hand away he grabbed all of her hair gently, his other hand continuing to brush his teeth thoroughly. Her head lifted up from the sink as he removed his grip on her hair gently.

She smiled softly at him and watched as he stayed staring at her with an unclear emotion in his eyes. She bit her lip softly as her cheeks turned red, "What?"

He blinked slowly as he kept looking at her with a fluttering feeling in his chest, his voice coming out low, "Nothing."


Draco walked through the doors of the great hall, searching for Juliette at the Ravenclaw table since she left his dorm to get dressed at hers. His eyebrows furrowed as he saw Juliette's seat empty.

His head turned quickly to the Slytherin table that being the only other place she could be. He let out a breath as he saw her laughing with Luna in front of her, Pansy rolling her eyes playfully at something she said.

As he got closer to the table he has a small smile on his face at how beautiful she looked with her sage green sundress.

His whole demeanor changed when he heard who their conversation was about, "Theo literally had to help me pick it all up! I almost died of embarrassment at the people looking."

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