☀︎︎ Chapter 8☀︎︎

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   The bell ringed as Draco opened the door for Juliette, her whispering a small thank you to him as they entered the book store. The smell of old books entered her nose making a small smile appear her face, his hand slithering around her waist and pressing her to his side.

   She looked up at him with a slight blush as she watched him glare at a guy that was eyeing her up and down. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently, trying to make him back down, "Stop glaring at him Draco."

   As always, he obeyed and loosened his grip on her waist. She looked up at him with a small smirk as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. She grabbed onto his hand and dragged him to the romance section, laughing as he looked around with a serious face.

   "Come on brighten up!" He inhaled deeply as he shifted his eyes from nothingness to the books in front of them. She kept dragging him around, him following silently after her as she grabbed tons of books explaining them to him one by one.

   "Oh look at this one! I already read it but it's so good! It's about this guy named Ty who drugs thsi girl named Gemma and she's literally a minor and he's like twenty something which is so bad! But anyways- he drugs her in the airport and takes her to where he told her he lived but she doesn't notice until after. How crazy is that right?"

   He watched her with awe as she finished rambling on about the book, nodding his head at the question. "Sounds pretty interesting." She scoffed, her book filled hands moving with her expression, "It is! Now come on we're not done with this section yet." He kept his hand on hers, the feeling of her warm hand giving him slight comfort as she urged him to walk faster, a small smile on his face.


   "Shes so dumb right? I mean if I was captured with a super germaphobic man I would be spitting on him repeatedly for him not to touch me." She kept on rambling about different books as they stood in the line of the bookstore, at least six books in her hand.

   He kept offering to carry them but she would always say that she can do it and that it weighs nothing. "Next", the voice of the cashier sounded out, Juliette scurrying to her excitedly. The woman scanned all the books quickly as she popped her bubble gum, chewing on it loudly.

   Draco leaned against the counter as he waited patiently for the woman to finish, his eyes wandering around the place. "Your total is eighty seven dollars and thirty four cents."

   Juliette searched for her wallet, her hand wrapping around it as she watched him slide his card quickly over to the woman. Draco acted as if he wasn't going to pay almost one hundred dollars making her scoff, reaching to get his card back from the woman.

   He gripped her wrist gently and brought it down as he grabbed her wallet and put it back in her purse, whispering in her ear, "I hope you know you have to tell me all the endings." Her cheeks turned slightly red, as the woman handed her the bag, Juliette mumbling a small thank you.

   He opened the door on the way out of the library for her once again, him speaking up, "Where do you want to go next-", his words were cut short as Juliette stood up on her tippy toes and kissed him passionately, him responding to the kiss immediately. She separated their lips, clutching the bag tighter as she looked into his eyes, "Thank you again.."

   He grabbed her face and kissed her again, a smile of hers growing against the kiss. He kissed her harder, pushing her back against the brick wall of the outside of the library, mumbling into the kiss with his eyes closed, "It's really- no problem."

   She moved her lips against his, wrapping her hands around his torso as she broke the kiss pressing her head against the wall. He looked down at her with an unknown emotion swirling in his eyes as he gaped down at her, his cheeks slightly red as he watched a slight grin on her face, getting flustered and blurting out something random, "Are you hungry?" She giggled up at him, tilting her head down as she now pressed her head against his chest, answering with a soft voice, "Sure.."

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