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The rolling hills below were vast with greenery, the evergreens as green as ever while trees of various kinds blossomed, some of the colourful petals falling merrily to the ground like snowflakes.

In the single bedroom apartment on the 3rd floor above, Choi Hyun stood at the large window, a mug of strong black coffee in his slightly tan veiny hands. To an outsider, it would seem as if he was admiring the beauty of nature in the park below but in reality, he was staring at his reflection.

His raven black hair was cut military short, in a crew cut and after having a mane of long hair, he found it a little difficult to get used to his new look. Standing at 6 feet with an almost mascular build, he could pass for someone from the military especially with the new cut and his sharp coffee brown eyes that twinkled in the sunlight coming through the window.

The house phone rang and walking over to where it sat on the ornaments table, he answered it, placing his coffee mug on the side, on a coaster. His whole apartment was spotless, the result of his OCD and any stain from the mug would cause him to spray the dirty spot and wipe it until he saw his reflection clearly in the polished white oak. He didn't have time for that today. Not when he had an important meeting today, right here in the house with a potential investor in his small upcoming business.

"Choi Hyun here," he said, brushing his hand over his hair.

"Hey, Choi!" the voice of his father said. "We are at the gate!"

Choi groaned.

His father was a crazy man, always showing up unannounced, with lots of food Suzy, Choi's stepmother, sent. The food was always welcome because Suzy was a great cook and stepmother but his father was a whole other issue. His father was the definition of crazy, with his mouth that had no filter and never ran out of words.

Choi's meeting was in a couple of minutes and he didn't need his father butting in, not when his start up had the potential to become more. Not to get him wrong, he had a great relationship with his father and this had been so for the last twenty something years of his life but sometimes Choi needed some time away from his father. And his annoying teenage stepbrother who always tagged along simply to annoy Choi.

"Abeoje (father), I have a meeting coming up and you know my apartment is not big enough to accommodate more than 3 people."

"Just open," his father groaned impatiently. "Otherwise your brother will jump over this stupid short wall."

That would be embarrassing. Choi pressed a buzzer that connected to the gate and let his family in.

A while later, the doorbell rang and as Choi opened, an older, bearded version of him stood at the door arms cradling wrapped lunchboxes and flasks. Towering behind him was the dark haired 16 year old, Jang Ki, holding a lunchbox rack in his hand, grinning from ear to ear.

"Choi Choi," Jang purred, his voice high pitched to resemble a lady's.

Choi rolled his eyes, a small smile threatening to make its way to his face. "What do you want, Jang?"

"Hyung (older brother)." Jang tried to be cute, batting his eyelashes like the ladies on TV.

Choi opened the door to let his family in. And they didn't even bother to remove their shoes because they knew that Choi would clean even if they took off their shoes.

"Just leave the food, Abeoje (father). I have a meeting! You can't stay."

His father glanced at him before making himself comfortable on the couch while Jang went over to the black and white kitchenette, which was separated from the bedroom by a large wooden bookcase that was stacked with books upon books, giving the bed room some privacy. Jang began dishing out from the lunchbox.

"Eomma (mother) made your favorite, Chilli Soju Soup. I don't know how you even came up with the recipe for this terrible abomination," Jang said, fake gagging.

Choi walked over to the kitchenette and grabbed his plate, a spoon and chopsticks, going over to the lounge area to sit beside his father. He crossed his legs as he sat on the cushioned floor and placed his plate on the knee high table, digging in to the food that Eomma definitely prepared with love.

After the hearty meal that was filled with laughter and stories-mostly embarrassing stories about Choi's childhood. Abeoje told a story about Choi having accidentally burned off his eyebrow at 14 when he saw his crush during a chinese lantern lighting. Jang was laughing his head off, clutching his stomach as he fell over, a small fart accidentally escaping.

Choi scrunched his face in disgust just as his phone rang. He quickly got up and answered. After cutting the call, he turned to his family.

"My meeting us about to start."

The two stared at him.

"It's time for you to leave," he bluntly said.

"Nah-uh. You can't just kick us out-"

"Jang, talk to your father!" Choi hissed.

"He's your father!" Jang said, standing up. He looked at the watch on his wrist. "I'm meeting Ling Ling-"

"The Chinese girl?!" Choi exclaimed as he rang the person he was meeting in. "You swore that you didn't like her, you liar!"

Jang only grinned and shrugged as he walked to the door. "Dad, let's go. I need the car. Eomma (mother) said I could take it after I dropped you off."

"Haii! Your mother!" Abeoje complained as he got up from the cushions and walked to the door, grumbling to himself. "Tell us how the meeting goes. Who are you meeting anyway?"

Choi nodded. "I promise. I am meeting a lady named Tae. She is the potential investor I was telling you about."

His father frowned. "You're meeting a woman?" He looked at the knitted cardigan and checkered pants Choi had on. "And you couldn't make an effort to look better?"

"She said I could dress comfortably. This is my comfortable."

"I hope she is absolutely beautiful. Its about time grandchildren start coming forth. You're turning 30. Be quick, otherwise your swimming men will become powder."

Choi laughed. "I will get married and bring beautiful Korean children with chubby cheeks like Eomma (mother) wants. And you, Jang...you better get home early otherwise Eomma will have your head."

Jang batted his eyelashes, blushing. "I'll be home at 7pm. I have a date and Eomma (mother) likes her. Unlike the last date you brought-"

The doorbell rang.

"My meeting is here." Choi looked himself in the mirror and fixed himself up before walking to the door.

He opened the door.

And the three males stood at the door, shocked beyond words  as the woman, Tae, stood before them.

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