chapter 28 💮

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I look at bad while he's helping me put on the necklace mom gave me.

I smile at him
He smiles at me
" how do I look?"
I ask as we make eye contact
"You look beautiful y/n"
He says as he gently grabbed both of my hands.

"promise me you'll be safe.."
He says
" of course I'll be safe. Don't worry bad. I'll be fine"
I say as I hug him.
" don't kill to many people tonight y/n"
He says as we both laugh.
"I wont"
I say as he pulls away from the hug.
" remember, under the dress you have a different outfit just incase something happens. Okay?".
He says
I nod
" I know bad I know. Thank you for everything"
I say to him as he gives me a God apple and my sword.
" It's the best I can do for my best friend"
He says as I smile at him.
I place my sword under my dress

( not like that- you have like a pocket??¿ idk- Thingy on your thighs that's where you placed your sword and other weapons!)

"You better be going now before it gets even more late!"
Bad says as he opens the front door for me
" I'll be back before sunrise"
I say
He nods.


I walk up to the gates hoping no one would recognize me-
" Whats your name?"
Ask one of the guards.
" traveler... rose"
I say
The guard checks the paper and looks up at me.
" Welcome traveler"
He says as I nod.

Never knew using one of my old students names would work-

As I walk into the palace I see lots of people talking.
On the other side of the place
I see tubbo being sad.
I walk over to him
And bowed.
"  your majesty"
I said
" please just call me tubbo"
I nod

He looks at me with a shock face.
" wait.. um if you don't mind me asking what's your name?".

I chuckle.
" my names traveler rose."
As I said that he looked even more sad.

" Whats wrong?"
I ask
" well I thought you were one of my oldest brothers friend. People say that they're dead but I know that not true. She's an amazing person! She's brave"
He explained
I felt surprised.
" What their name?"
I ask knowing it's me.
" y/n"
I nod.

I'm happy he knows.
I'm happy that he think I'm brave.

Do I wanna tell him who I really am?...

I know he wouldn't tell anyone...
But still.. should.I?..

You know what..
Fuck it.

" tubbo"
I said
He looked at me
" I have a secret"
I say
"Whats the secret I won't tell anyone!"
He says leaning closer.



" I'm y/n.."

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