chapter 18 💮

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( that same night, y/n's pov)
As I enter my room that bad gave me, I first placed my bag down and changed my bandages sense they were getting bloody.

" son of a bitch..that hurts more than expected"
I mumble to myself as I finished taking off my chest bandage( btw sense you have to change your chest bandage you had to take off you shirt, but don't worry no one's watching you so your fine-)
"So, that's how it looks.."
I said while looking at myself through the mirror that was in the room.

* sigh *
I then start putting on the new bandage.

( Time skip)

Looking up at the roof I lifted my right hand and just stared at it for what seemed like hours in silence.

Nothing's making sense anymore.

Everything happened so fast.

First I became techno's "guard"
Then I came face to face with dream after years of not seeing him.
Then, dream send wanted posters of me to my home and I guess his kingdom as well.

Did I start a war?
Is it a war?
Or am I just making shit up?
Maybe all of this is a dream and I just have to find a way to wake up.


No no no..
This isn't a dream and I know that.. so why am I thinking that it is?

Ugh..everything doesn't make sense anymore...

Maybe..breaking the one rule of being a warrior was a mistake...

Maybe falling I'm love with techno
Was a mistake...

But.. no..

I love him..but it was a mistake bringing him into my mess..

I could get him killed..

Love really is a poison that you'd want to keep drinking.

mom was right..

"Love.. love is when your happy with someone, for example I'm in love with the king.. but you have to know this dear, love is something that can change you forever. When you fall in love with someone you would like to stay near them at all times, If they got hurt you would be worried for the person, love in general is like a poison, a poison that you'd want to keep drinking."



Love really is a poison...

And I can't stop drinking it..

But its his choice.. in the end..

( techno's pov)

As I walk into my room that bad gave me I placed my sword next to the window.
* sigh *
" i-i can't keep doing this anymore.. I have to tell her the truth.. sooner than later.."

I mumble to myself as the voices get louder and louder in my head.

Tell her...

No not yet.. we will hurt her feelings...

She'll hate you if you tell her the truth.. no no

...... are you really gonna break her heart now?..


I tired silence the voices but they were right..

I have to tell y/n the truth

But I don't wanna tell her..

I love her.. so much..

I have to talk with him

But I can't just leave y/n here with a random guy I just met.

But im just doing what's best for my kingdom..

Even if that means.

I can't be inlove with y/n..

It hurts me so much..but I want the best for my kingdom...

At this point I'm trying not to tear up from the fact that I have to leave y/n behind me..

And I have to choose.. what's best for my kingdom.. my people.. my brothers..

But.. I love.. her.. so much..

But its my choice..

I just hope I made the right choice..

I then grabbed a piece of paper and started writing a letter to y/n.

If you read this, then I'm sorry but I'm back at the palace.. I have unfinished business that I need to do, this was my choice so please don't get mad at me for it.
Remember I'm just doing what's best for both of us..

I left some arrows and a bow for you under the bed.
There's also golden apples if you need them.

I'm sorry for leaving you y/n, but please remember that I love you with all my heart.

But as the prince of Khigary I have responsibilities.

I'm just doing what's best for our future.

- techno

As I finish writing the letter I grab my sword and place the bow and arrows under the bed with a bag of golden apples.

Facing myself in the mirror I saw that my red eyes were getting redder
( when technos voices take over that happens-)

" I made the right call.."
I said to myself as I walked out of my room slowly and quietly as I possibly could.

Facing the front doors I turn back to where y/n's room is.

" I'm sorry.."

Was the last thing I said before making my way back towards the palace..


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