chapter 15 💮

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( techno's pov)
As me and y/n were walking out of the palace we walked into a small village that was near by.
" you know, you didn't have to come with me"
Says y/n as she faces me.
" well, I didn't want you to die, but if you did die then I wouldn't forgive myself for not being there to keep you safe"
I said to her as she nods and continues walking.

( Time skip)
Well it's now morning and I was getting hungry and so was y/n
" Wait here ima go buy something"
I said as she started looking around.
" ima be in the bar, I need a break"
She explains as she started walking away.
But I grabbed her hand to keep her from walking.
" be safe alright?"
She just chuckles
" of course"
As she said that she started walking away towards a small bar.

Soon I wasn't able to see her anymore so I started walking towards the market.
( y/n pov)
As I enter the small bar I saw lots of men looking at me.
And I also saw a few women to.
But I wasn't here for the people, I'm here for a drink and that's it.
As I walk to the main part of the bar they was a young boy with black and white hair, he also had different colored eyes.
" What can I get you miss?"
Says the young boy.
" umm just give me a glass of wine"
If I'm honest I don't really like alcohol.
I prefer wine-
( sorry if you don't like wine and prefer alcohol-)
" okay coming right up"
Says the boy as he walks towards some glasses and grabs one of them.
" So what's your name?"
I ask
" my names ranboo what's yours?"
I said in return as ranboo froze but then nods at me slowly.
He soon gives me a glass that was filled with wine.

" ranboo do you know a man named dream?"
I asked him
" y-yeah I know dream..why the sudden question?"
* sigh *
"I just wanted to's just that he's after me so-"
Ranboo froze again but this time he pressed a button that was under the table.
But I didn't understand why so I didn't ask.

( Time skip)
As I walk out of the bar I started walking towards the village Intel someone pins me on the ground face first.
" I thought sapnap and George killed you.. I guess I have to do it myself "
I froze
's you

But how I killed you.... right?

" let go of me right now dream"
He just chuckles at me
" What"
He says as he pulls me off the ground and throws me into a tree.

As I yell out in pain
my backpack then fell on the floor infront of me.

I looked at dream walking towards me and I look back to my backpack.
I quickly opened my bag and pulled out my sword and pointed it at dream.
" stay back"
I demanded.
But he just chuckles even more.
" we can do this the easy way or the hard way"
He says.
I started seeing people gather around us.
I was looking into the crowd and made eye contact with ranboo
I looked back at dream then at ranboo.
" I'm so sorry.."
Mouthed ranboo as my eyes widen from shock.
I felt betrayed.
" were you the one who sent those wanted posters of me?"
I asked him.
" yup, I did send those"
He says as he started to have a smirk on his face.
" why.."
Is all I said to him
He just stayed in silence.
" well.. I did it because I lo-"
He was cut off by someone yelling.
( yeah ik- techno swears in this story-)
I turned to face techno.
I was about to say something but dream pulled out a gun and shot it up in the air.
But a bullet didn't come out.
Instead black smoke did.

Soon after dream did that two men came out of the trees.
" sapnap?..George?.."

Both of them looked like they didn't want to do this.
But dream still had a smirk on his face.
"Kill her"
Dream demanded as the two of them walked towards me with they swords in hand.
" y/n just stand down.. me and George don't wanna do this again"
Said sapnap but I didn't listen..
They want me.. they have to come and get me.

( ????¿¿¿¿¿ pov)

As I saw y/n fight sapnap and George I really wanted to help. But if I do that then I'll give away my identity.
( Time skip sorry!-)
As y/n falls to the ground yelling in pain dream walks behind her.
Y/n soon stood up but still didn't know that dream was behind her.

But soon dream pushed his sword all the way through her chest.
As she yells in pain prince technoblade tried getting through the crowd but they didn't let him.
"Maybe next time y/n.. sapnap, George, take her away and go back to my palace"
Says dream.
But I knew what I had to do.
As I run infront of dream and his team. I kneel down and check on y/n and make eye contact with dream through his mask.
"Never mind guys let's just go home.."
He demands as the three of them walk away.
I then look back at the prince.
" I'm sorry..but I can't trust you with her"
I say as I pick y/n up in my arms and pick up her stuff, but I then run into the forest away from the village.
Says the prince.

But I kept running. I didn't look back..

I'm glad I get to see you again...

Old friend.

( that's it for this chapter!! I hope you enjoyed!!! Also who do you think saved you? 🤨

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