chapter 17 💮

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( time skip and y/n pov)
" wait- so let me get this right, your also wanted but to this kingdom? Weren't you also one of the guards that was also recruited with me?"
I ask bad with a confused look.
"Well..yea before I was wanted I was in the same recuit as you.. but one day ash um she told the king that I was taking all of the weapons and giving them to our enemy.. but um, you see I'm on the run just like you!.. but no one knows that I'm still living in the villages near the palace and I haven't been caught yet so.."
Explained bad.
I looked at techno and he was understanding what bad was Explaining-
I was the only one who didn't understand.
" well, now we know that your wanted to my kingdom so give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you in?"
I faced techno and punch his arm.
He whispered to me.
I just faced bad and ignored techno.
" w-well, um I saved y/n and I wanted to train her because I know that if she goes back out into the villages she will get herself killed"
Bad did have a good reason though.
I could get myself killed...again..

"Hmm...alright that's a good enough reason"
Techno Said as he walks over to me and whispered to me.
"I don't trust this guy"
As he said that to me we both made eye contact before techno when walking off into the kitchen.

( techno's pov)
As I entered the kitchen while still listening to y/n and bad's conversion.

"Hey bad, where's the cups?"
I ask him while searching the kitchen.
" oh! There on the top right shelves!"
Yelled out bad in return.

I smirk to myself as I saw bad's backpack on the counter.
I walked over to it and looked around before opening it.

" So y/n, how are you feeling?"
Ask bad
" im feeling okay.."
Said y/n in response.

I started looking through the black and red backpack and found a map.
A map of the village.
I nod to myself as I kept looking.

I then found a flash light.
I guess that's useful.

I then found a water bottle, extra clothes, a lighter, a knife, and apples.
I was about to put everything back when someone entered.
" So tec- techno! What are you doing"
Whispered y/n as I faced her with a 😧 expression.
" i- um- I was just looking for cups?"
I just said what came to mind.
" mhm, sure"
Was all she said in return as she walks over to me.
" I know you don't trust bad, but you have to believe me techno, he's a nice person"

She says in a gentle voice.
" Fine, I guess I'll try to trust him"
She just chuckles
" that's good enough for me, now let's put his stuff back"

( Time skip and bad's pov)
" I say that we should get some sleep first, and in the morning I can train y/n"
I explained to the two of them
" but bad it's still day-"
I nod my head I'm disagreement.
" Nope, It's actually 10:45 pm right now"
I said in return as I saw y/n's expression changed from confused to shocked
" wh-but how?!"
Said y/n
I just chuckle at her reaction.
" well, you were asleep for a while so"
She nods in response.

After a little while all of us when to our rooms
( bad gave them their own rooms so like-)


Choose ♡♤ - Technoblade x fem!readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat