The Fool

833 42 133

December 26th 1978

Rose woke the next morning to find that Regulus was already awake.

He sat brooding at the end of their bed with his knees pulled to his chest, chin sat upon them.

"Bon anniversaire ma chérie." Rose whispered as she leaned upwards to drape her arms over his clothed shoulders.

Regulus raised his head slowly, turning to look at her with shuttered eyes.

"I didn't know you kept learning." He said in a quiet, low voice.

"I didn't. I looked up how to say Happy Birthday in one of Ode's French books before we went to bed." She chirped, running a gentle hand down his left arm.

"I expected you'd be in the greenhouse by now." Regulus responded, rather tonelessly.

"You really thought I'd spend your birthday with Professor Sprout?"

"I considered it."

"Hardly." Rose scoffed in disbelief, lifting her arms from his shoulders.

"I plan to spend the whole day with you. In fact, you should think about what you want to do while I get ready. We'll do whatever you want." She added, turning away from him and planting her feet firmly on the floor.

With a satisfied hum from Regulus, Rose was off to the shower, slipping out of her clothes and grabbing her perfume oil off the counter.

She dripped a few drops out of the glass bottle into the shower before turning on the hot water, allowing stream to rise up light and fragrant.

She'd hoped the scent would waft into the dorm and intrigue Regulus, who then might join her, but it hadn't worked.

Once she'd finished showering she brushed her teeth, combed through her hair, and slipped on her rings. On her pinky finger, she wore a small silver ring with Regulus' initials engraved into it.

When Rose reentered the room, dressed and ready for the day, she found Regulus still sat there on the edge of their bed. Except now, her green cardigan was thrown over his shoulders and he was absentmindedly twirling his engagement ring.

"Have you decided on what you'd like for your birthday?" She asked, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her father's leather jacket and rocking back on her heels.

"I'd like for you to marry me." He said, eyes trained on her as he stood.

Rose titled her head, brows squeezing together in confusion.


"Just for the day." He explained. Removing his engagement ring and placing it on the bedside table.

"So, we'll be pretending then, like kids do?" She asked, taking her hands out of her pockets and taking a step closer to him.

"Like kids do." He agreed, and Rose held out her hands for him to take, he did so eagerly.

"Well, Mr. Black, I'll be Mrs. Black for the day, so long as it's what you want." Rose agreed, a smile written upon her face, and a pale pink colour dusting her cheeks.

"It is." He said, as he smiled back at her.

He'd flattened that smile a moment later, but he could not remove the delight from his eyes.

"Rings?" Rose asked, and Regulus ran his thumb over her tattooed finger with one hand, and placed her other beneath his shirt against his own tattooed skin.

"These should do." He assured her, her blush only grew.

"Those will do." She practically squeaked, clearing her throat and stuffing her hands back in her pockets to gain composure.

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