The Comeback Prank

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"James!" Rose said as she ran up to him. Her green scarf flowing behind her.

She had already greeted Lily with the tightest hug she could muster earlier so when she reached James she simply slapped him on the back fondly. The boys close behind him.

"How was your holiday, mate?!" Rose asked excitedly.

"Bloody boring without you four!" He said putting an arm around Peter and Sirius. Remus started walking alongside Rose. He seemed tired. He always seemed tired.

"Did your mum put up Christmas lights, Remus? I didn't see any around here. Just loads of candles."

"She did." Lupin smiled a small, weary smile a scar on his lip curling upwards along with his lips.

"Did you ask about Easter?" James asked the boy.

"I won't be able to make it."

"What about you, Black?"

"Can't. Wreaked too much havoc over Christmas break."

"I can stay!" Peter chimed in happily.

"Ah ha! It'll be the three musketeers then! We'll make sure to do something special for you two!" James said hoping to bring a bit of joy to Remus and Sirius about the situation.

"We have plenty of time to plan, whatever we do everyone will be in on it!" Rose said as the group reached the castle.

Later that day the five of them met up in the library to discuss ideas as well as look through books of spells for inspiration.

"We'll have time to make a big change." Rose began, speaking quietly.

"So we should take advantage of that. We'll have the whole castle to ourselves basically, save for a few prefects and professors, but they won't be as strict as usual."

Rose continued, sharing what she learned from her experience staying behind.

Peter listed off a few ideas, but everyone agreed they were all a bit weak for what they envisioned.

"We've already convinced a professor it was the weekend Pete, plus that doesn't really work the same after a break."

"I was just trying to get the ball rolling" Peter grumbled.

"We could fill the stairs with marbles."

"That's a very muggle prank, Rose. Cute but not enough." James said.

"Hmmmm" The group seemed to hum at the same time. 

Just then Lily walked by along with her friend Severus. The boys all seemed to rather hate Severus. Because he was a Slytherin, kind of a tosser, and more importantly for James, friends with Lily. Rose had always gotten a rather off vibe about the boy, she hadn't joined in on any of the pranks they had pulled specifically on him but she had not stopped them either.

"Lily Flower!" James shouted, as obnoxiously as ever. The librarian threw a warning look their way.

Lily sighed and made a rather pathetic attempt at hiding her face.

"It's probably best to leave her be when she's with Severus, James." Rose warned. Not wanting an issue to arise.

"Besides, Lupin's been reading his page over for the past few minutes. I think he's got an idea." Rose continued.

"I do." Remus gave a cheeky smile then continued speaking.

"I don't know if it's possible yet, since they seem to have a mind of their own, but, I was thinking we change all the portraits to have the same face."

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