The "Rumor"

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As days went on the lads had come to accept the reality that was Rose occasionally spending the night in their dorm, she'd wake cozy and warm next to Sirius instead of cold and lonesome in her own dorm.

It was becoming increasingly clear that Stephone and Odette were no longer only friends. Often, when Rose did sleep in their dorm, she would see Steph crawling back into her own bed in the middle of the night or early morning.

She'd never dare mention it though, it seemed at bad idea to acknowledge it so Rose remained a supportive friend from the sidelines.

On this specific December morning Rose woke in her own bed, and got ready for the day alongside her roommates, spritzing her perfume into the soft fabric of the green scarf around her neck before heading out for the day. Her classes were busy, but she took notes as she should, Steph had been her partner in muggle studies and enjoyed asking what muggle things were actually like as sometimes the class could be inaccurate, greatly overvaluing the importance or certain things while leaving out others all together.

Throughout the day of usual antics between the small group of slytherins she actually spoke to they started to notice whispers and odd looks at the group.

Rose was sure someone had said something about Ode and Stephone and was ready to hex whoever was brave enough to say anything even remotely rude.

No one did though, nothing suspicious had occurred until lunch.

Rose decided to eat with Lily that day, she sat in the spot that was unofficially saved for occasions like this, and started working on her tea. It was made with dried lavender and cinnamon, she added a bit of milk and honey to round out the flavors.

"Everything alright, Lils? You're rather quiet." She asked her sister while nudging her gently.

"We didn't want to be rude, Rose, or we thought we might let you bring it up." Mary said politely. Cautiously.

"Bring what up?" Rose asked and she took a sip from her tea, careful not to burn herself.

"Have you not heard the rumor?" Marlene asked a bit more pointedly, Lily was still quiet beside her.

"What rumor?" Rose asked, feeling anxiety bubble into her chest, afraid of whatever it could be.

"Well....erm..." Mary began, looking a bit uncomfortable next to Dorcas.

"People are saying you shagged Sirius Black in the Herbology greenhouses." Marlene answered bluntly, Lily looked over at her with an exasperated expression

"Someone had to say it, Love, look at her, she was clueless." Marlene said in response.

Rose was clueless, she'd expected to hear something about her friends, or even Lily, not herself, and not that.

"Does that means it's not true?" Lily finally asked, in the quiet type of way a big sister would tread such a topic.

"No, it doesn't. Cause it is." Rose responded while looking down at her tea, she heard Mary sigh from across the table.

"That's unfortunate..." Dorcas said, mostly to Lily.

Rose's face had turned a bright shade of pink by now, she tried hard to hide it.

"We're you saf—" Lily began to ask but Rose cut her off

"Yes. All that was taken care of." She sighed before continuing.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want anyone else to know. I know it's probably the kind of thing we should talk about, but I just didn't want anyone else to know and now they do." Rose said quickly

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