A Little Room With Water-Green Curtains

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Rose lay across her bed with the window open, an owl had just flown in and dropped a letter upon her lap and she set up to read it.

She opened the letter with "Ode" written across the front in large mesmerizing hand. A few dried and pressed flowers fell out of it when she did so. One of which was of course a rose.

To My Lovely Friend,

Happy Birthday Rosie! Sorry I didn't send a real present, I hoped this would do! Write back soon! Summer's almost over do you believe that? I was going to write a sonnet but I read about some foreign poetry called Haiku from a book I borrowed and wanted to try one out! So once again, happy birthday Rose! Hope you enjoy the poem. See you soon!

atop a green stem

and under the red petals

lies a home for me

Odette Meadows

Ode had to be the most romantic person in the world. Like their other roommate Elia she loved to read, Rose had brought her some muggle plays and seemingly unlocked new shades of color for the girl. A Midsummer Night's Dream had been reread over and over throughout their first year but since Odette had moved onto another play by Shakespeare and become absolutely obsessed with the character of Ophelia.

Rose and Odette had written back and forth all summer, it was the first time Rose had a penpal and each time her owl flapped through her window she was excited. Her older sister Petunia, who was not a witch like her and Lily would complain, she even once said she was beginning to think she was allergic to the bird and Rose was afraid her mother might make her stop the contact.

Rose spent most of her summer making rounds between the kitchen, Lily's room, and her own room. And the loo. One thing Rose had missed about being home was baths, showers were just fine but baths felt special now. Especially when Rose left the window slightly open to let the sunshine come in and get a view of the garden.

Being as she was home for longer this time around she had gotten back into the habit of sleeping properly. 

She chose to stay up far less now, the days had enough time for all she needed to do at home since her life took place mostly in her bedroom.

The room was small with white walls and some painted white wood detailing like most houses near her's, she had drawings of various plants and notes with songs lyrics or messages from Lily on the walls. Her sheets and duvet were all white as well and the curtains on her window were a cool toned green. She had added the polaroids of her friends to her desk but was afraid of leaving them at home in case Petunia messed with them. She had begun tacking up her letters from Ode on the wall behind the head of her bed but soon realized she would run out of room and so she would add them to the ceiling above. Seeing the letters before bed would remind her to send Ode a mental goodnight before going to sleep. It would have been easier to use a simple sticking charm but she was not able to use magic away from school yet so thumbtacks and standing on her bed to add them would have to do.

Rose had noticed Lily had taken up painting and rather enjoyed to watch her sister paint while some the slow music playing on the record they had downstairs played softly, muffled by their distance from it.

Lily painted all types of things you would expect someone like Lily to paint and it was all beautiful. Rose had asked to take some of it back to Hogwarts with her and her sister agreed signing her art with a flourished L at the bottom.

Rose didn't watch the telly much even though she didn't have access to one at Hogwarts, it was in the living room and she rather disliked going there.

Soon enough it was time for the girls trip to Diagon Alley for school supplies. Upon returning home Rose had gone ahead and started packing, adding everything expect her plants to keep them in good health. The first year in Herbology had helped her and she was excited to get back to the class and improve her not so green thumb even more.

The Marauders hadn't paid Lily a visit this time around and Rose vaguely remembered Regulus telling her Sirius was not allowed at the Potter's anymore which was probably the reason for it. Either way Rose did look forward to seeing them around again and even though she would not admit it, Lily seemed to as well.

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